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BMI wishes all of our readers and supporters a Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year!
The next edition of The Balance Sheet will be published on January 3. See you next year!
Media Scrooges: Bah, Humbug to Wall Streets Christmas Bonuses
The kids on Wall Street got some big toys this year, and the kids in the media have been pouting. Despite broadcast journalists pulling in millions of their own, many reports stoked class warfare by frowning on big paydays.

They Say They Want a Revolution: Privately-Run Public Schools
A commission recommends privatizing public school administration, and the media will barely touch it. Oh, they reported on the commission Time gave it more than 3,000 words. But not one of them was privatization.

G: USA Today to indebted 20-something: get a better job
B: CBS exploits widows grief to hype danger of anti-depression drugs
U: CBS reporter says Big Pharma controls Congress, our lives

ABC Left Out Union Ties of Merit-Based Pay Critic

Small Cars: From Nice to Naughty List?

CBS Reporter Takes Swipe at Drug Industry, Praises Politician in Blog Post

CNNs In the Money Laments Soaring College Costs with Extreme Example


School lessons from New York (Hudson)

Do economists agree on climate change? Yes. (TCSDaily)

Tom Blumer: Double-digit growth, Reaganesque tax cuts in Iraq (BizzyBlog)

The curious economics of DCs Metrorail fare hikes (CafeHayek)

Dr. Patrick J. Michaels: Carbon dioxide on trial (Cato podcast)

Illegal migration from Mexico to the United States
American Enterprise Institute
Washington, D.C., Jan. 8, 2007

Book Forum with P.J. ORourke: On the wealth of nations
Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., Jan. 9, 2007

Global Financial Warriors: The Untold Story of International Finance in the Post-9/11 World
Heritage Foundation
Washington, D.C., Jan. 9, 2007

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