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Ken Shepherd | November 15, 2006

     It’s Congress’s money, but thankfully for the middle class, the Democrats will let you keep a bit more of it while raising taxes on “the rich” elsewhere. That was the message to CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson’s look…

Julia A. Seymour | November 15, 2006

     Like claims the U.S. was responsible for 9/11 and Republicans were fixing gas prices, the media promoted the left-wing electronic vote-rigging conspiracy.


     Now that the votes…

Dan Gainor | November 15, 2006

     Don’t eat that! It doesn’t even matter what it is, somewhere someone on network news shows is probably telling you it’s “bad for you.”

     If you believe them, almost everything meets that requirement. Caffeine. Sugar. Cereal.…

BMI Staff | November 15, 2006
Electronic Voting: The Catastrophe that Wasnt Since the 2004 election, the media have been buzzing about Diebold, maker of electronic voting machines, and warning that the…
Ken Shepherd | November 14, 2006

    Driving headlong into a favorite media bogeyman, the sport utility vehicle (SUV), CNN’s November 14 edition of “American Morning” hyped the danger of death and injury to children from vehicle backup accidents while weaving…

Dan Gainor | November 13, 2006

     To quote the Randy Newman song, short people “got little noses and tiny little teeth.” According to the November 13 USA Today, that might be “a disability” – and a costly one at that.

     Reporter Rita Rubin’s big story on little…

Dan Gainor | November 13, 2006

     The Washington Post came up with a new code phrase for rent control – “reasonably priced housing.”


     In an article bemoaning the potential “loss of middle-income housing – and…

Julia A. Seymour | November 9, 2006

     Voters in six states chose to increase the minimum wage on November 7, and CNN’s Lou Dobbs took the opportunity to tell business and conservative groups to wise up on the issue.



BMI Staff | November 8, 2006
Media: U.S. Should Throw Billions of Dollars at Global Warming Back in 1997, the Senate resoundingly said the U.S. wasnt interested in any emissions-cutting…
Amy Menefee | November 8, 2006

     How will the new Congress handle world pressure on the “dire” threat of global warming? If the media had their way, the United States would give in and join programs that are proven failures – costing taxpayers up to $180…

Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan | November 8, 2006

     The frenzy about trans fats as dietary killers is escalating. Professors from the Harvard School of Public Health tell the media that trans fats kill hundreds of thousands of us annually and represent "the most dangerous ingredient in our…

Dan Gainor | November 7, 2006

     Christmas came early for the energy company TXU Corp. (NYSE: TXU) – but not in a good way. The New York Times dumped coal in the firm’s stocking over plans to build 11 new coal-fired power plants in Texas and indicted the firm for its part…

Ken Shepherd | November 6, 2006

     NBC’s “Today” show served up fear for millions of American parents with its sensational coverage of a new study on school bus injuries. But in doing so, reporter Tom Costello left out just how safe school buses are…

Ken Shepherd | November 3, 2006

     According to ABC’s “Good Morning America,” the much-maligned Wal-Mart’s (NYSE: WMT) policy that its workers should report to work on time is a sign of how dastardly the company is.

     “Are you sometimes a little bit late for work…

Ken Shepherd | November 3, 2006

     Just hours before unemployment dropped to a 5-year low and just five days before an election, CBS’s Katie Couric was warning about “jobs in jeopardy.”


    Couric, who also had…

Rachel Waters | November 3, 2006

     Minimum wage increases will be on the ballot in six states on November 7. PBS’s “Now” took the opportunity to push for broad increases on its October 27 edition, showcasing worker Melone Peyton, who doesn’t even earn…

Julia A. Seymour | November 2, 2006

     “Upbeat” sales numbers for General Motors and Ford were announced November 1, but the news was conspicuously absent from two of the three major evening newscasts.

     ABC’s “World News Tonight…

Ken Shepherd | November 2, 2006

     It’s less than a week before an election and you’ve spent four years insisting housing market is a bubble on the verge of popping – jeopardizing the economy. What do you do? If you’re CBS, you raise the specter of the worst economic…

Amy Menefee | November 1, 2006

     Since the 2003 Bush tax cuts, the media have joined the chorus of Democrats in singing an “anti-tax cut” hymn. As another election looms, some of the singers have changed, but the song remains the same.

     “Three trillion…

Dan Gainor | November 1, 2006

     Watching TV can be torture. This close to the election, it’s even worse thanks to TV news.

     For more than a year, the networks told us almost every bit of good economic news was somehow bad. Now that they feel they have…