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Special Report:
Prescription for Bias

Medical breakthroughs dont grow on trees, but network news rarely admits it. In a new BMI study, nearly 80 percent of the stories on prescription drugs left out the drug companies entirely. Journalists emphasized consumers costs and company profits, largely ignoring companies investment to create life-saving medicines.

Climate of Bias, BMIs new one-stop shop for global warming media coverage! Find the list of more than 70 scientists who stand against the hype; our highly acclaimed Special Report Fire & Ice, and much more.

G: NY Times finally prints criticism of Inconvenient Truth
B: ABC World News bashes Halliburton two days in a row
U: Sports Illustrated wades knee-deep into global warming hysterics

Spring Has Sprung: Media Begin Gas Price Complaints

CNN Blames Lenders for Credit Crisis

No Exxon Deed Goes Unpunished

ABC Airs Halliburton Hit Piece


Lets Be Policy Driven, Not Politically Driven, in Energy and Climate Change (The Marshall Institute)

The Never-Ending Energy Conspiracy (The American Spectator)

The Reality-Based Economy (The Weekly Standard)

Time for Greenspan to Get with It, Start a Blog (American Enterprise Institute)

February Job Growth Was Not Chilly (The Heritage Foundation)

Energy Summit 2007: An Intensive Policy Workshop on Environment and Energy Policy for Legislative Advisors
The Heartland Institute
Chicago, Ill., March 16-17, 2007

Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement
Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., March 22, 2007

Media Research Center's 20th Anniversary Gala
Washington, D.C., March 29, 2007
Visit here for more information!

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