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Can We Atone for Our Energy Sins?
The media are caught up in the celebrity culture of carbon offsets. Buying these credits is like buying an indulgence from a priest so one can freely enjoy the guilty pleasure of energy use. But does it help the planet? And what does it cost?

Econ 101: Lets Be Honest about Entitlements
Dr. Gary Wolfram goes to the root of Americas government benefits, revealing that we dont really want to talk about who pays for whom.

G: NY Times provides positive oil discovery story
B: USA Today hypes stuck on a plane scenarios
U: NY Times uses biased poll: Americans favor nationalized health care


BMI Director, Dan Gainor, appeared on Your World with Neil Cavuto on Feb. 28, 2007 to discuss the way network news reported the stock market stumble of the previous day.


Cable Franchise Reform Spreads (The Heartland Institute)

Health Insurance for Uninsured Children: Doing Health Care Right (Heritage Foundation)

The Life and Times of Milton Friedman (Reason Magazine)

Feared, Loved, Ridiculed (The American Magazine)

Prescription for Trouble (American Enterprise Institute)

Facing a Challenge of the Current Era: Environmentalism
Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., March 9, 2007

Science vs. Politics in Environmental Policy
Wisconsin Forum
Milwaukee, Wisc., March 13, 2007

Media Research Center's 20th Anniversary Gala
Washington, D.C., March 29, 2007
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