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Julia A. Seymour | February 23, 2007

     New fuel-economy ratings that will take effect in 2008 will lower miles per gallon estimates for certain hybrid cars by 10 to 20 percent, according to USA Today.

     “Toyota’s Prius, best-known and best-selling gas-electric car in…

Amy Menefee | February 23, 2007

     Some people make more money than others. To hear the media tell it, that’s a huge problem and it’s time to do something about it.

     “Rising inequality – the growing gap between the rich and everyone else – is often cited as a…

Paul Detrick | February 22, 2007

     What’s hurting America’s kids? Tax cuts.

     That was the conclusion of one study by a liberal policy group, Every Child Matters. And a February 22 Marketplace segment by American Public Media reported it without question.…

Julia A. Seymour | February 22, 2007

     “Just $15 a day.”

     By using that phrase, CBS “Evening News” spun a February 21 story about “progressive” corporations providing assistance to employees trying to take care of mom and dad.

     “Freddie Mac provides…

Dan Gainor | February 22, 2007

     CNN’s “American Morning” jolted its viewers awake with a series of stories on caffeine that emphasized government regulation and threw in some good old-fashioned misreporting.

     The bulk of the February 22 caffeinated coverage…

BMI Staff | February 21, 2007
Rich Man, Poor Man My boss makes more money than I do. Is that fair? BMI takes a look at income inequality, an issue the media cant leave alone. President…
Herman Cain | February 21, 2007

     I’m an American, and I believe passionately in freedom. I believe in the individual pursuit of happiness. So it troubles me when my president wants to take that away and starts sounding like a socialist.

     In a socialist…

Ken Shepherd | February 20, 2007

     Five days ago, Diane Sawyer promised viewers they could wake up to ABC’s morning program to find her and her colleagues “taking your case” to insurance companies “and getting answers” about unresolved Hurricane Katrina…

Ken Shepherd | February 19, 2007

     A new study by the Autism Genome Project (AGP) chalks up the disease’s primary cause to genetics, not environmental pollution, ABC’s Bill Blakemore reported on the February 18 “World News.” But in 2005, media outlets including ABC showcased…

Rachel Waters | February 19, 2007

     CNN’s “In the Money” crew placed the blame on corporate America for a lack of diversity in the workplace in its February 17 show, saying businesses have a long way to go on something “so simple.”

     The segment featured two…

Julia A. Seymour | February 17, 2007


     The word understandably provokes emotional response and ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” was banking on it when they misled viewers in a one-sided story during the February 15 broadcast.


Dan Gainor | February 16, 2007

     Whoever said you can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink never met the America media. Since Al Gore’s announcement of worldwide concerts to combat climate change, journalists have been swallowing Gore’s claims that it’s purely a…

Ken Shepherd | February 15, 2007

     Treating homeowner insurance as a right rather than a business contract, ABC’s “Good Morning America” slammed insurance underwriter State Farm for its decision to stop selling new policies to homeowners in Mississippi.…

BMI Staff | February 14, 2007
This Valentine's, Diamonds Have It Rough "Blood Diamond" is just the latest in the category of business-bashing Oscar nominees. During this Academy Award…
Julia A. Seymour | February 14, 2007

     Cubic zirconia instead of diamonds?

     To hear the media tell it, that’s what the amorous should be giving their sweethearts this Valentine’s Day – thanks to a media obsession with “human suffering” highlighted in the Oscar-…

     After making a brief appearance in 2005 and spending 2006 in the wings, Social Security reform took center stage again last week with the inclusion of “personal retirement accounts” in President Bush’s budget proposal.


Ken Shepherd | February 14, 2007

     A prominent businessman sold stock days before it took a dive, and congressional Democrats are pushing for an investigation, But the Washington Post’s February 14 report emphasized political posturing by congressmen and left out facts the…

Ken Shepherd | February 13, 2007

     The day after President Bush’s economic advisers released their official 2007 economic forecast – a story shunted to page C3 – The New York Times cast a pall on the economy, comparing current events to the economy of the pre-dot-com crash…

Amy Menefee | February 12, 2007

     “Consider the case closed on global warming.”

     That’s how Bryan Walsh started his Time magazine feature in the February 19 issue, the latest attempt by Time to close the debate on global warming. Last year, the April 3 issue…

Ken Shepherd | February 9, 2007

     Is meeting a former vice president a religious experience? Devout global warming believer and CBS reporter Harry Smith seemed to think so.

     A week after foreseeing Miami as the next lost city of Atlantis, CBS’s Harry Smith…