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     Is meeting a former vice president a religious experience? Devout global warming believer and CBS reporter Harry Smith seemed to think so.

     A week after foreseeing Miami as the next lost city of Atlantis, CBS’s Harry Smith declared former vice president Al Gore to be a “prophet.”

      “Do people here know that very likely in the next – well several decades – all of this is going to be underwater?” “Early Show” anchor Harry Smith prompted author Carl Hiaasen during a pre-Super Bowl interview in Miami. The February 1 chat with the journalist and author had nothing to do with global warming, although the author is known to have a left-wing environmentalist viewpoint.

     Eight days later, Smith did sit down to chat about climate change with former Vice President Al Gore and Virgin Group chairman Richard Branson, who have teamed up to offer a “$25 million prize to fight global warming.”

     Smith treated Gore and Branson to a softball interview that descended into effusive praise for the former vice president. “Is Al Gore a prophet?” Smith asked Branson on the February 9 “Early Show.”

     The only criticism Smith lobbed at Gore was that he didn’t have enough power, as Smith suggested Gore’s efforts as a private citizen pale in comparison to occupying the Oval Office.

      “Is this the right way to get your message across, though? Because the question was asked in the press conference today, would you not be better off trying to effect this change from the White House,” Smith asked Gore.

     For more on Smith’s interview with Gore and Branson, including a full transcript, see the Media Research Center’s blog at