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Dan Gainor | March 9, 2007

     At the very time baseball players were beginning Spring training, the nation was experiencing the 34th coldest February in 113 years.

     Must be global warming – at least according to Sports Illustrated.

     After all…

Julia A. Seymour | March 9, 2007

     Despite previous complaints about “outrageous” CEO pay, both NBC and ABC proclaimed “good news” about the increasing number of female billionaires on March 8.

     According to Forbes magazine, there are 946 billionaires in the…

Dan Gainor | March 9, 2007

     Sometimes a news outlet doesn’t even agree with itself. That was the case with CNN’s coverage of the latest unemployment news on March 9. Reporter Ali Velshi called it “good news” but headlined the same news “weakest in 2 years.”…

Paul Detrick | March 9, 2007

     Should the United States put its faith in a carbon reduction plan that does not work?

     That was the question American Public Media (APM) asked in coverage of the European Union’s energy summit March 8.

     Host Scott…

Julia A. Seymour | March 8, 2007

     All three network evening news shows used extreme examples about “abusive” credit card company practices on March 7, but only one even suggested cardholders should make responsible choices.



BMI Staff | March 7, 2007
Can We Atone for Our Energy Sins? The media are caught up in the celebrity culture of carbon offsets. Buying these credits is like buying an indulgence from…
Dan Gainor | March 7, 2007

     What’s $18,000 – as long as it’s for a good cause?

     That’s the attitude the CBS “Evening News” took in the first installment of its series “Global Warming: Cool Solutions.” The March 6 story focused on California’s solar power…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | March 7, 2007

     Recent data on the number of people receiving assistance from the federal government has created some stir and discussion as to whether welfare reform in the U.S. has been successful. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has warned that a…

Julia A. Seymour | March 7, 2007

     Typically, green represents the deadly sin of envy, but with the media’s help it now also stands for hypocrisy.

     In this case, the hypocrisy is media promotion of buying carbon offsets – giving a donation to an energy-saving…

Dan Gainor | March 6, 2007

     “Consider the case closed on global warming,” claimed Time magazine in the February 19 issue.

     Not likely.

     The March 5 “Hannity…

Dan Gainor | March 6, 2007

     Lengthy runway waits might have some customers feeling air sick, but an Associated Press report showed that the chances of a lengthy delay are nearly 1 in 1,000.


     Readers of the…

Rachel Waters | March 5, 2007

     “What goes up must come down. But how will we know when the housing market has hit rock bottom?” Allen Wastler started off “In The Money’s” gloomy housing story with a dose of doom and it only went downhill from there. The March 3 show…

Amy Menefee | March 2, 2007

     Would you say The New York Times has a very serious reporting problem; a somewhat serious reporting problem, or that its problem is not very serious at all?

     Any way you answer that question, The New York Times has a reporting…

Julia A. Seymour | March 1, 2007

     Home is where the heart is – which may explain why television journalists used a decrease in home sales to bolster negative economic reports on February 28.

     Both NBC “Nightly News” and CBS “Evening News” cited the “biggest…

Dan Gainor | February 28, 2007

     What’s the difference between a stock market “collapse” and a “correction?” It all depends on which news outlet you watch.

     Over at the February 27 CBS “Evening News,” exaggeration was the rule of the day. Anchor Katie Couric…

Dan Gainor | February 28, 2007

While environmentalists claim to battle for renewable energy, dams that provide renewable power to 10 percent of the United States have come under increasing attack.

Power from the people – The three broadcast networks had a news blackout…
Dan Gainor | February 28, 2007

     If the Hoover Dam isn’t one of the wonders of the modern world, it’s not for lack of trying. Tens of thousands of people spent years building this amazing mountain of concrete.

     But some on the crazy eco-left want to tear it…

BMI Staff | February 28, 2007
Media Myth: Americas Big Dam Problem Environmentalists say they want renewable energy, but theyre tearing down dams, which provide hydropower across…
Julia A. Seymour | February 27, 2007

     If you ordered a “Colossal Burger,” pizza skins, fried mozzarella, or a pasta dish laden with a cream sauce and Wisconsin cheese, wouldn’t you know the food will be high in calories and fat?

     The Center for Science in the…

Julia A. Seymour | February 26, 2007

     In a segment only fit to satisfy a regulator’s hunger pangs, CNN’s “American Morning” fed viewers one left-wing group’s most recent attack on casual dining restaurants.

     “When you go to a restaurant you better be watching what…