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Ken Shepherd | February 9, 2007

     It’s not a difficult concept. When you’re a newspaper reporter documenting a new government-imposed burden on business, you find supporters and critics of the rule. It’s business journalism 101. The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Patrick Kerkstra…

Ken Shepherd | February 8, 2007

     Sounding more like a screenwriter for “Captain Planet and the Planeteers” than a business magazine contributor, Fortune’s Marc Gunther scripted energy company TXU as an enemy of Earth in his February 5 article.

     Gunther wrote…

Ken Shepherd | February 8, 2007

     Has CNN’s “American Morning” gotten its fill of the “obesity epidemic” hype? Maybe not, but on two separate occasions in the past few days, the program’s reporters have scoffed at candy makers’ and schools’ attempts to keep kids from…

Ken Shepherd | February 7, 2007

     ABC’s Jim Avila injected his own negative attitudes into his report on a class action lawsuit against Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) on February 6.

      “Next for Wal-Mart, attorneys will appeal to anyone who will listen, from the full…

Ken Shepherd | February 7, 2007

     When it comes to featuring storylines that bash American business, a 2006 Business & Media Institute (BMI) study found NBC’s “Law & Order: SVU” (SVU) one of the prime offenders. Now the gritty crime drama is…

Julia A. Seymour | February 7, 2007

     As Manhattan enjoyed an unseasonable 72-degree winter day on January 6, news media quickly claimed that the weather inspired fears of “the end of the world.” But as the thermometer dipped into extreme cold, the rhetoric of human-caused…

Dan Gainor | February 7, 2007

     Longtime Internet users will recognize the phrase “All your base are belong to us.” It’s a comically stupid but popular English translation from a late ’80s Japanese video game. In a nutshell, it is a declaration of dominance – everything…

Ken Shepherd | February 6, 2007

     With the president’s budget proposal arriving on Capitol Hill, ABC’s Charlie Gibson told viewers that the “massive new plan would squeeze domestic programs” and asked if Congress would “go along.” Reporting the story, ABC correspondent…

Rachel Waters | February 5, 2007

     In the first month of 2007, the panel of CNN’s “In the Money” made gloomy economic predictions, complained about fluctuating gas prices and moaned about wages, among other things. On the February 3 show, they pondered whether or not the…

Ken Shepherd | February 5, 2007

     A CNN reporter who moonlights as a marriage “Proposal Guru” and women’s magazine columnist used a February 5 report on the cost of the war in Iraq to lament the billions on war spending that prevent the Bush administration from being wed to…

Ken Shepherd | February 2, 2007

     So you want to grow the economy? Just force employers to pay employees more. That way they’ll spend more money, and voila! Economic growth!

     That was CNN business reporter Ali Velshi’s economic analysis on the February 2…

Ken Shepherd | February 2, 2007

     Two weeks ago, Washington Post fashion critic Robin Givhan suggested the fashion industry was exhibit A for why industry cannot regulate itself. She’s back at it again with a new angle to her complaint: the “excuses for hiring super-skinny…

Ken Shepherd | February 1, 2007

     The South American dictator who famously called President Bush “the devil” during a UN speech is one step closer to nationalizing his country’s oil. Yet the same day that Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez received new powers to rule by decree, none…

Ken Shepherd | February 1, 2007

     On January 31, President Bush became only the second sitting president to walk the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, just hours after the federal government released new data showing the economy grew at a healthy 3.4-percent growth rate…

Amy Menefee | January 31, 2007

     If you want to shut down a debate, simply call your opponent a Nazi.

     It’s quick, easy and requires no thought whatsoever.

     Laugh at your opponent without allowing him to speak. Oh, and make a film about your…

Julia A. Seymour | January 31, 2007

     When the Terminator outlined his plan for universal health insurance coverage in California on January 9, news media declared the plan “bold,” “ambitious,” “innovative,” “ground-breaking” and a “sweeping remedy.”

     “Well there’s…

BMI Staff | January 31, 2007
Health Care Face-Off The media love the idea of universal health insurance, calling Gov. Schwarzeneggers California plan bold and innovative. The…
Dan Gainor | January 31, 2007

     So much for energy independence.

     The Washington Post downplayed the potential loss of four Western hydroelectric dams that might be destroyed to make life easier … for salmon.

     According to the January 31 article…

Ken Shepherd | January 31, 2007

     American taxpayers are making possible the January 29 airing of a documentary in praise of one of the 20th century’s greatest free market advocates. And that doesn’t sit well with New York Times TV critic Ginia Bellafante, who complained of…

Ken Shepherd | January 30, 2007

    New York Times reporter Amelia Gentleman subtly slanted her January 30 story on a pending Indian court case regarding drugs patents by directing readers to see prescription drugs as a “right.”

     “The supply of low-cost generic…