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This Valentine's, Diamonds Have It Rough
"Blood Diamond" is just the latest in the category of business-bashing Oscar nominees. During this Academy Award season, Hollywood takes aim at a Valentine tradition: diamonds. Media reports since the film's release have sounded like movie trailers, spouting hype about gifts for loved ones being steeped in blood.

Remember Social Security?
Grassroots support of personal retirement accounts is strong as reform resurfaces in Bushs 2008 budget but Democrats are pulling out of the discussion.

G: AP: budget deficit projections down as feds see record tax receipts
B: Philly paper fails to find eateries lamenting new trans fat legislation
U: CBS's Harry Smith asks if Al Gore is a 'prophet'


BMI Director Dan Gainor
correcting media spin about the American economy on "The 700 Club" Thursday, February 15. The show airs on ABC Family. Check your local listings and visit here for more information.


Benjamin Powell: Deregulate health insurance (Independent)

Arnold Kling: The five big questions about health care (

Iceland joins the flat tax club (Cato podcast)

Private property rights helped save Niger's environment (FreedomWorks)

Health insurance compared to car insurance (

Timothy Carney: Gore's bad science (Human Events)

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism
- book cites BMI research! -
Book forum at The Heritage Foundation
Washington, D.C., Feb. 15, 2007

Science vs. Politics in Environmental Policy
Wisconsin Forum
Milwaukee, Wisc., March 13, 2007

Media Research Center's 20th Anniversary Gala
Washington, D.C., March 29, 2007
Visit here for more information!

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