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Jeff Poor | November 15, 2007

     The media are in love with billionaire Warren Buffett. But it’s not for his charitable donations, nor his wise investing sense – it’s because he’s been on a class warfare crusade calling for more taxes on wealthy Americans.

Julia A. Seymour | November 15, 2007

     High gas prices may have a lot of people down, but apparently they also have someone feeling homicidal.


     According to CNN’s November 15 “American Morning” Shell president John…

Jeff Poor | November 14, 2007

     Upon the news of Wal-Mart’s robust third-quarter earnings and predictions of a “strong” holiday shopping season, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) surged into positive territory, closing up 320 points after several…

Paul Detrick | November 14, 2007

     National Public Radio’s coverage of oil hitting $100 a barrel this week has uncovered another underreported angle to oil profits: funding future explorations.


     In NPR’s “Morning…

Genevieve Ebel | November 14, 2007

     Gas prices have been going up, and at least one grandmother is upset.

     “Why am I spending my grandchildren’s college money so I can drive this car? Why? What is – what is the reason for this?” she asked on the November 14 “…

BMI Staff | November 14, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving from the Business…
Paul Detrick | November 14, 2007

     National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition” was one of few outlets to report that the cost of $100 oil hasn’t had the effect on the economy that many people expected, “at least not yet,” cautioned host Steve Inskeep November 12.

Jeff Poor | November 13, 2007

     When was the last time you saw two-year-old meat in your grocer’s fridge?      

     CBS “Early Show” correspondent Chip Reid used hamburger meat dated Nov. 26, 2005, to suggest consumers could be hoodwinked by meat packagers that…

Jeff Poor | November 13, 2007

     Imagine what you could do with an extra $400 or $500 a year – save for retirement, fill your gasoline tank several extra times or buy a plane ticket for vacation. Now multiply that amount by every member in your immediate…

Jeff Poor | November 13, 2007

     You wouldn’t know it from the gloomy media coverage, but the stock market is up for the year. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is up a little over 5 percent for the year, but its volatility has been something of a…

Jeff Poor | November 12, 2007

     Another day, another weak dollar story.


     CBS Business Correspondent Anthony Mason gave viewers a one-sided report about what the weak dollar means to the U.S. economy on the…

Jeff Poor | November 12, 2007

     Talk about a contradiction.


     Maria Bartiromo, described by The Wall Street Journal as “the face of CNBC,” delivered a worried report about the U.S. economy and the possibility…

Jeff Poor | November 9, 2007

     If CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta had his way, when you unwrapped your new iPod or iPhone this Christmas, there might be the following warning label:



Julia A. Seymour | November 8, 2007

See Full Report


More than 600,000 homes are currently in foreclosure; both houses of Congress and the president have proposed different bailout plans for the mortgage “crisis;” and Americans are drowning in $2.4 trillion worth…

Jeff Poor | November 8, 2007

     Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke appeared before the Congressional Joint Economic Committee on November 8, but had to face criticism from Republican presidential candidate and Texas congressman Ron Paul.

Genevieve Ebel | November 8, 2007

     The year was 1979 – the height of the Cold War, and the Three Mile Island nuclear accident had just occurred. The “No Nukes” movement was born.


      Back then musicians such…

Jeff Poor | November 8, 2007

     CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer took on New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for the second day in a row on the November 8 “Today.”


     “This is all … the barn door, the…

Jeff Poor | November 8, 2007

     We can breathe a sigh of relief now that we know who’s winning the battle of the sexes in combating global warming.


     The November 10 issue of New Scientist magazine reported a…

Jeff Poor | November 7, 2007

     News story after news story has warned of the dangers to the housing market. The Democratic response is more regulation. CNBC’s Jim Cramer blasted that strategy in his “Stop Trading” November 7 “Street Signs” segment. He…

Jeff Poor | November 7, 2007

     This just in: energy drinks could pose dangers to “people out there who have preexisting heart problems,” but they’re still trying to figure that out.


     “Well, we have another…