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Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | November 7, 2007

     The media have been concerned about the falling value of the dollar and what may be causing it. One example that hits close to home here in Michigan is that the U.S. dollar is now worth less than the Canadian dollar. This is akin to the…

Jack Yoest | November 7, 2007

       The national economy continues its strong performance, but “Your $$$$$” co-hosts Ali Velshi and Christine Romans were looking hard for bad news.



Paul Detrick | November 6, 2007

     Even though the media have been saying flight delays were so bad this year, it turns out they are better than last year.

    CNN’s November 6 “American Morning” anchor Kiran Chetry introduced a report on improved flight delays by…

Genevieve Ebel | November 6, 2007

     “On Strike; Shut it Down; Hollywood’s a Union town.”


     That was one of the many chants of the Hollywood writers on strike – and network news was union-friendly November 5 as reporters took…

Jeff Poor | November 2, 2007

     The stock markets might be a little skittish, but you can’t blame employment for that.


     A Labor Department release November 2 showed a gain of 166,000 jobs in October and an…

Jeff Poor | November 1, 2007

    The “meltdown in subprime mortgages,” “rising cost of oil” and “inflationary worries” have become catchphrases in negative media reports about the economy. After the Federal Reserve cut rates on October 31, journalists were at…

Jeff Poor | October 31, 2007

     Investing in the stock market is fine if you’re putting money into it, but when you’re profit-taking – that’s when CBS will come after you.


     Angelo Mozilo, CEO of Countrywide (…

Dan Gainor | October 31, 2007

     The future of the news industry is made up of unions and liberal media experts. At least, that was how “The Future of News Industry Jobs” was presented at one of the nation’s foremost journalism schools. When it came to…

Jeff Poor | October 30, 2007

     It’s an attention-getting statement: multibillionaire Warren Buffett doesn’t think the rich pay enough in taxes.


    “[B]uffett sees a fundamental injustice that he says touches all Americans…

Jeff Poor | October 30, 2007

     You know troubled times are looming if Hillary Clinton is elected president when even the once-top aide to the former liberal Democratic Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill and MSNBC “Hardball” anchor Chris Matthews says so.


Jeff Poor | October 29, 2007

     It’s a good thing CBS News Correspondent Randall Pinkston isn’t a financial advisor, at least in the short-term.


     If you watched his report about the likely ousting of Merrill…

Jeff Poor | October 29, 2007

     Even though NBC’s “Today” crew is fretting over the effects of climate change and the price of oil, exceeding $90 a barrel – that isn’t stopping them from traveling to the “ends of the earth” in the name of climate change…

Jack Yoest | October 29, 2007

     CNN’s “Your $$$$$” is ready for a spike in gas prices. It just hasn’t happened despite predictions.


     On October 20, the show’s guest Peter Beutel, president of energy risk…

Jeff Poor | October 26, 2007

     CNN is taking a page straight out of its “attack the insurance company” playbook from Hurricane Katrina, except this time they’re starting early.


     “American Morning”…

Paul Detrick | October 26, 2007

     On CNN’s “American Morning” October 26, Ali Velshi gave a measured report on long-term prices of gas and oil, but anchor John Roberts wasn’t having it.


     “Are you buying any of…

Genevieve Ebel | October 26, 2007

     Though Lou Dobbs temporarily lost his ability to speak due to a tonsillectomy through part of August and into October, he did not lose his nightly voice on CNN.


     “Lou Dobbs…

Jeff Poor | October 26, 2007

     When is “tax reform” really an enormous tax increase that could cause the middle and lower income to lose jobs?


      Liberal Democratic Congressman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.)…

Jeff Poor | October 25, 2007

     There will be a little more required to stop global warming than making “small changes to your daily routine,” as Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” Web site has suggested.



Jeff Poor | October 25, 2007

     There’s something else to blame on global warming – but this time it’s not what you would expect.


     No, it isn’t the California wildfires. It isn’t the suggested demise of the…

Dan Gainor | October 25, 2007

     Is the glass half-full or half-empty? The classic question is a good way to look at the economy. Even economists don’t agree whether we’re in a “crisis” and a recession looms, or we’ve turned a corner and things are getting better.