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Jeff Poor | November 29, 2007

     Salt – it’s the new trans fat, only worse.

     “Salt trumps fat,” Michael Jacobson of the left-wing Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) said on the November 28 “CBS Evening News.”

     Now that CSPI has been…

Julia A. Seymour | November 28, 2007

     While it certainly wasn’t a “best of times” report from CNN, it was a “worst of times” on “NBC Nightly News” November 27.


     Anchor Brian Williams introduced a dismal segment on…

Dan Gainor | November 28, 2007

     Once upon a time, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby went off on the road to Bali. Fifty-five years later, politicians are heading to Bali for sun, sand and socialism – and they want us to pay for it to the tune of trillions of dollars.

Amy Menefee | November 28, 2007

     When recession is whatever you feel, it can happen any time. But apparently the Federal Reserve doesn’t feel it’s coming in 2008.


     A New York Times headline November 21 – on…

BMI Staff | November 28, 2007
Talking Ourselves into Recession…
Genevieve Ebel | November 28, 2007

      Amidst continuous news reports of recession and credit crisis, “Good Morning America” focused instead on an “unusual source” of relief for Wall Street and the U.S. economy.



Jeff Poor | November 28, 2007

     The Smithsonian is falling apart and the only way it can be saved is with more money.

     What else is new – another government bureau is pleading for more money, right?

     Aside from the fact that according to the…

Jeff Poor | November 27, 2007

     The “Hannah Montana Scandal” – sounds like something you might see in a supermarket tabloid, right? No, it’s just that CBS “Early Show” co-host Hannah Storm isn’t able to get cheap tickets for her daughters to a Hannah…

Jeff Poor | November 27, 2007

     Bitterness still resonates with former “CBS Evening News” anchor Dan Rather after his 2004 election Bush National Guard failure and his eventual 2006 departure.


     Rather, now…

Jeff Poor | November 26, 2007

     It was supposed to be a kickoff to a lackluster holiday season.


     The day after Thanksgiving, known as “Black Friday,” showed that might not be the case. Sales jumped 7.2…

Paul Detrick | November 26, 2007

     Thanksgiving air travel went well; in fact it went so well it prompted CNN anchor Rob Marciano to exclaim, “Maybe the media sufficiently scared everybody.”

     CNN’s “American Morning” and NBC’s “Nightly News” reported the good…

Paul Detrick | November 20, 2007

     If you can buy sperm or eggs, why are kidneys so radical to ABC?


     ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” called a doctor’s market-like approach to organ donation, in which…

Jeff Poor | November 20, 2007

     This one will really tug at your heartstrings – grandmothers might have to cut corners to be able to afford the family feast this year for Thanksgiving.


     “[G]randmother Judy…

Jeff Poor | November 20, 2007

     When Tom Brokaw, an old-time mainstream media figure in his own right, says he thinks print newspapers won’t be around in 10 years, that’s probably not a good sign for the industry. (Click for audio.)


Jeff Poor | November 19, 2007

     Just as the holiday season is cranking up, CBS is clamping down. Even strong numbers at Wal-Mart don’t satisfy the negative network.  The November 18 “CBS Evening News” kept up its predictable pessimism about the…

Jack Yoest | November 19, 2007

     It is a rare edition of CNN’s “Your $$$$$” that does not hint at or mention recession.


     The November 17 edition featured a graphic titled “RECESSION WATCH” with a quote from…

Paul Detrick | November 19, 2007

     CNN’s “American Morning” anchor John Roberts referred to high gas prices as “highway robbery” as they “[jumped] up over last year’s holiday drive.”


     Reporter Alina Cho also…

Jeff Poor | November 16, 2007

     So what’s another $1 trillion as long as it’s for a good cause?


     Apparently not much according to Woody Tasch, the chairman of Investors’ Circle, a company that describes itself…

Julia A. Seymour | November 16, 2007

     One Los Angeles councilwoman wants to take a bite out of obesity by blocking fast food restaurants. CNN served up its November 16 report on the food fight with extra relish calling it “a good first step.”


Jeff Poor | November 15, 2007

     It has become routine. Once a month, California-based RealtyTrac releases national foreclosure statistics and once a month, all three networks include a foreclosures story in their November 14 newscast.