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Nathan Burchfiel | December 20, 2007

     Six years ago, Joe Cameron survived more than two months on life support, racking up a bill of more than $1 million. He paid less than $2,000 out of his pocket, thanks to the health insurance he had through Medicare…

Jeff Poor | December 20, 2007

     The dictionary definition is of “consensus” is a general agreement or unanimity of opinion. When former Vice President and global warming scare-monger Al Gore says “consensus,” it means a general agreement or unanimity of…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 19, 2007

     President Bush just signed an epic energy bill that will increase fuel efficiency standards in automobiles, increase biofuel requirements for gasoline, and phase out incandescent light bulbs. Two network newscasts couldn’…

Jeff Poor | December 19, 2007

     CNBC stock picker “Mad Money” Jim Cramer played Santa on December 19 “Today” and made it clear that Ben Bernanke is on the naughty list.


     “Cramer Claus” was on “Today” to…

Julia A. Seymour | December 19, 2007

     2007 was quite the year for poor economic reporting. Newscasts were loaded with one-sided stories on “going green,” the housing “collapse,” a potential “crash” on Wall Street and even things like sweater and R.V. sales…

BMI Staff | December 19, 2007
This Christmas the Gift of Balanced Reporting We told you who was naughty in our Top 10 Media Myths last week. This week you can find out…
Jeff Poor | December 18, 2007

     According to CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, corn prices have been artificially lowered by government taxpayer subsidies, so they should be artificially raised with a tax on drinks sweetened with corn syrup.


Nathan Burchfiel | December 18, 2007

     Before you start getting some crazy idea about the holiday shopping season being on a positive track, tune into the network news for a reminder that the sales figures present an “ominous” sign.


Nathan Burchfiel | December 17, 2007

     The U.S. Congress looks poised to follow Australia and other allies in effectively banning traditional light bulbs. In a front-page story December 17, USA Today reporter Paul Davidson praised the provision of the energy…

Jeff Poor | December 17, 2007

     Want to be Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year?” If you’re a businessman, “albeit a great one,” it would count against you.


     “The criteria for the choice, someone that, quote, ‘…

Jeff Poor | December 17, 2007

     Prepare to be thoroughly disgusted: people are actually digging through businesses' garbage to dine on discarded food – all to make an anti-business statement.


     Madeline Nelson…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 17, 2007

     In her “60 Minutes” interview with New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez Sunday, Katie Couric asked the third baseman about steroids in baseball, the home run record he is poised to break eventually, and his own upstaging…

Jeff Poor | December 14, 2007

     It’s no wonder businesspeople tend to distrust the media – especially when unsubstantiated alarmist statements are made and no recourse is offered.


     “As many as 600,000 babies…

Jeff Poor | December 14, 2007

     While the media have been talking down the economy for the past four years on gas prices, recession, housing and more, there may be another reason so many voters perceive the economy to be in poor shape.


Julia A. Seymour | December 13, 2007


     Begley said he has received a return on all the environmental investments he’s made since he bought his first electric car in 1970. While they may be more expensive up front, Begley said, green products from…

Jeff Poor | December 13, 2007

     Critical condition in medical terminology means a patient has a high risk of death that could occur within the next 24 hours. ABC used those two words to make the American medical system sound terrible and to promote…

Amy Menefee | December 12, 2007

     Al Gore, the tall, “adorable,” “sexy,” “very hot Nobel Peace Prize winner,” … “The Man.”


     It was the ultimate in Al Gore adoration, all the way from Oslo, Norway, via The…

Jeff Poor | December 12, 2007

     Investors weren’t the only ones disappointed with the Federal Reserve Board’s actions on December 11.

     The Fed’s decision to cut the Fed funds rate 25 basis points and the Fed’s statement…

Jeff Poor | December 12, 2007

     Back on August 3, CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer threw a fit – screaming Armageddon and pounding the table – because the Federal Reserve was slow to cut interest rates. Not so this time.



Nathan Burchfiel | December 12, 2007

     The Hollywood Goes Green conference featured not only appearances by celebrities the caliber of Ed Begley Jr. and Larry Hagman, but also gave industry members the chance to see ways to lessen their own “carbon footprints…