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Jeff Poor | January 11, 2008

     The old cliché “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” might be appropriate for a lot of situations, especially when you’re borrowing against what is your most valuable asset – your home.


Jeff Poor | January 10, 2008

     Nearly seven years out office, former Secretary of State Madeline Albright pulls no punches bashing the Bush administration’s handling of certain issues – calling it one of America’s “worst presidencies.”

     Albright gave…

Jeff Poor | January 10, 2008

      The perception of the American economy – that is, the dark cloud cast by the media – has been difficult to overcome, even so much that it has infected pop culture.

     CNBC’s “Closing Bell” host Maria Bartiromo crossed the picket…

Jeff Poor | January 10, 2008

     There are mixed views on the economy – some say we’ll avert a recession, some say we’re destined for a recession and some say we’re already in a recession. Despite that uncertainty, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama suggested…

Jeff Poor | January 9, 2008

     If there was ever a doubt that the mainstream media sometime emphasize the worst even when there is positive news, this should clear that up.

     Bloomberg TV anchor Deirdre Bolton appeared on CBS’s January 9 “The Early Show” to…

Dan Gainor | January 9, 2008

     Up or down? Nobody really knows, if you’re talking about the economy.

     There are tons of predictions about what will happen in 2008 – everything from “recession” from much of the media to market maniac Jim Cramer predicting “…

BMI Staff | January 9, 2008

ElectionWatch: Media Ignore, Misreport 'FairTax' amid Huckabee Surge Republican presidential…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 9, 2008

     Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s caucus victory in Iowa last week came in part thanks to anti-IRS fiscal conservatives attracted to his support for the “FairTax.” He also finished with a better-than-expected showing in the New Hampshire…

Jeff Poor | January 8, 2008

     Health news can change in the blink of an eye, and that’s what happened on CBS News January 7.


     The pharmaceutical industry had maintained all along that there’s no proven link…

Jeff Poor | January 7, 2008

     Even serious business media have been spooked into believing a recession is inevitable.

     CNBC “Squawk Box” contributor David Faber warned investors on the January 7 “Squawk on the Street” that stocks reliant on business…

Jeff Poor | January 5, 2008

    Not everyone is thrilled about how new technology has changed the way news is reported. Long-time White House Press Corp member and columnist for Hearst newspapers Helen Thomas is one of those unhappy. She blames bloggers for contributing to…

Jeff Poor | January 4, 2008

     If you can’t win, just rewrite the rules. That might be the Writers Guild of America’s new motto.


     After it was reported NBC’s “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” was seen by 7.2…

Jeff Poor | January 3, 2008

     So much for the conspiracy theory that major media conglomerates intentionally distort newscasts toward big corporate interests – because they won’t even defend themselves.



Jeff Poor | January 2, 2008

     CNBC’s Jim Cramer continues to heap criticism upon the Federal Reserve for not cutting interest rates. Most recently on January 2, “Mad Money” Cramer suggested the Fed was trying to punish reckless borrowers.

     “I have to tell…

Kristen Fyfe | January 2, 2008

In the liberal media's ongoing campaign to make same-sex “marriage” a civil right comes the latest strategy: Bemoan the difficulties faced by homosexual couples “married” in Massachusetts who now want a divorce. 

According to The…

Jeff Poor | December 28, 2007

     Just how good are those so-called experts who appear regularly on the news making stock picks and predictions about the economy? BusinessWeek gave readers the opportunity to see.

     Some of the most prominent business and…

Jeff Poor | December 27, 2007

     It was the day after Christmas and borrowers were the only ones not blamed for credit card debt, by “NBC Nightly News.” Instead, the economy took the bad rep.


     NBC senior…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 27, 2007

     Holiday retail sales were up in 2007 from 2006, but not enough for a media always looking for ways to downplay economic news.


     According to MasterCard SpendingPulse, retail…

Jeff Poor | December 21, 2007

     ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” is making a case for socialized medicine one day at a time. This time it targeted one of the newscast’s key demographics – senior citizens.



Jeff Poor | December 21, 2007

     The Commerce Department confirmed that gross domestic product grew at a 4.9 percent pace in the third quarter – a four-year high. Instead of hailing the increase, journalists downplayed it and adopted economic gloom as…