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Jeff Poor | January 29, 2008

     Are we in a recession? Ask Big Mac.

     That’s the newest economic indicator, according to an ABC report about lower McDonald’s sales for December.

     “So, if Americans are saying good-bye to fast food, could we be…

Jeff Poor | January 28, 2008

     It’s become routine – another day, another downbeat economy story.

     The February 4 Newsweek was no exception with its “Road to Recession” cover for the story “The U.S. Economy Faces the Guillotine,” written by Daniel Gross.…

Jeff Poor | January 28, 2008

     You might think giving up $37.5 million in pay would win a businessman a little favor from the media. As far as CNN’s “American Morning” goes – not this time.



Jeff Poor | January 28, 2008

      “NBC Nightly News” anchor Lester Holt test drove a Smart Car – popular in Europe and manufactured by German automaker Mercedes-Benz – on the January 27 program. Although the fuel efficiency of the Smart Car is a higher-than-average 36…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 25, 2008

     Comedian-turned-economist Jon Stewart is at it again, declaring that “the world is apparently collapsing” because of the subprime mortgage “crisis” and that it would take 15 to 20 years for the “free market” to reverse an economic downturn…

Jeff Poor | January 25, 2008

     Bernanke can’t catch a break these days – whether it is people like CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer screaming Armageddon if the Fed doesn’t cut rates or if it is politicians in Washington up for re-election demanding…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 25, 2008

     Just when you thought it was safe to grocery shop …

     Armed with “Today”-branded tote bags and environmentalist talking points about paper and plastic shopping bags, “Today” show host Matt Lauer pestered shoppers at a Manhattan…

Jeff Poor | January 25, 2008

     There’s an old saying – “Congress never touches anything they don’t hurt,” but you would never know that might be the case by the glowing reception the $150-billion taxpayer-funded stimulus plan got from each of the…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 24, 2008

     Prescription drugs are more expensive in the United States than other countries for a number of reasons, arguably the biggest of which is that other governments artificially control prices so that Americans are left with…

Jeff Poor | January 24, 2008

     When newscasts start reporting about how to find a job after you’ve been laid off from the recession, things must be very bad, right?

     According to the January 23 “CBS Evening News,” it is something to be worried about, but…

Jeff Poor | January 23, 2008

     Although he quit working full-time for ABC News in 1999, former ABC reporter and “World News Sunday” anchor Sam Donaldson still is full of opinions when it comes to the economy and politics.

     Donaldson, who is a contributor to…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 23, 2008

     In the second installment of its “Today Goes Green” series telling you how to live your life, NBC’s “Today” show on January 23 promoted compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), an efficient light bulb meant to replace traditional…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | January 23, 2008

     Amy Robach, a daytime anchor at MSNBC, recently reported on the “Today” show that “everyone’s talking about a recession.” The Business and Media Institute found that the broadcast media mentioned the economy or a recession in 54 stories…

Jeff Poor | January 23, 2008

     Panicked selling by investors has caused sizeable Wall Street drops recently, but instead of presenting a calm analysis ABC seemed content to fan those fears on January 22.



BMI Staff | January 23, 2008

Media Stimulate Recession and Tax Rebate Frenzy by Twisting Fed Chairman's Words

Its economic stimulus packages galore in the media since Fed…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 23, 2008

     On the day after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sat before Congress and said the Fed is “not forecasting a recession,” CBS’s Bianca Solorzano reported on the “Early Show” that “Bernanke confirmed recession fears.”


Nathan Burchfiel | January 22, 2008

     Building off the popularity of its “Ends of the Earth” jet-setting extravaganza in November, the “Today” show on January 22 kicked off a four-day series called “Today Goes Green” to encourage viewers to be more environmentally friendly.…

Jeff Poor | January 22, 2008

     After the Fed made an “emergency” 75-basis-point rate cut the morning of January 22, CNBC’s “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer, who turned from optimist to pessimist, said it was too little too late.

     “[T]his is obviously the kind of…

Jeff Poor | January 21, 2008

     Repeated predictions and threats of recession weren’t enough for one prominent magazine editor who claimed things are even worse than that by bringing up the Great Depression.



Robert Knight | January 21, 2008

In a front-page article Friday, the Washington Post provided redundant reminders of why many people no longer trust the Mainstream Media to give them fair political coverage.

In bending over backwards to portray Bill Clinton in the best…