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Media Stimulate Recession and Tax Rebate Frenzy by Twisting Fed Chairman's Words

Its economic stimulus packages galore in the media since Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke spoke about the idea. But when reporters used his testimony to confirm recession fears, they distorted and exaggerated what he said.

Econ 101: What does 'Recession' Mean?
Economics Professor Gary Wolfram explains: we don't even know we've been in one until we're out.


CNBCs Cramer calls for balanced economic reporting
B: Post finance columnist fawns over Clinton proposal for debt bailout
U: U.S. News editor compares credit crisis to the Great Depression
Episode 102: "He Said Slow Growth; They Said Recession"

The Biz Flog named for the beating business often takes in the media gives a unique angle on the weeks media coverage. You can see last week's episode here!

Blaming the Fed (and Alan Greenspan) for the Subprime Crisis
Telegraph (U.K.)

Tax Rebates Will Not Stimulate the Economy
The Heritage Foundation

Unemployment Insurance Does Not Stimulate the Economy
The Heritage Foundation

World Not Running Out of Oil, Say Experts
Times Online

Editor-in-Chief of Kiplingers Urges Everyone to Stay Calm

Electricity Deregulation, Texas-Style
Jan. 25, 2008, Washington, D.C.
American Enterprise Institute

Reforming the Regulation of Financial Services
Jan. 28, 2008, Washington, DC
American Enterprise Institute

Foreign Aid: A Hindrance to Prosperity
Feb. 9, 2008, Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.
The Heartland Institute

Everything Is Dangerous!
March 19, 2008, Chicago, Ill.
The Heartland Institute

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