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Amy Menefee | January 20, 2008

     Michelle Singletary, a Washington Post personal finance columnist known for usually sound advice, used her January 20 column to boost Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.



Jeff Poor | January 20, 2008

     Whether the issue is health care, Social Security, infrastructure or post-Hurricane Katrina problems, former Secretary of State Madeline Albright blames the Iraq war.

     After making some outlandish comments about President…

Jeff Poor | January 18, 2008

     It’s an argument supply-siders make regularly – money is better used in the hands of individuals than in the hands of the government – assuming the money didn’t come from individuals in the form of taxes to begin with.


Jeff Poor | January 18, 2008

     He didn’t try to sugarcoat it, but Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke did say the U.S. economy was not destined for the Armageddon scenario some in the media have been prognosticating.

     Bernanke wasn’t completely down on the…

Jeff Poor | January 18, 2008

     CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer has a reputation for making outlandish statements – and there might be a reason for his demeanor, according to a CNBC co-worker and a late-night comic.

     CNBC “Street Signs” host Erin Burnett…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 18, 2008

     As President Bush and Congress hammer out a stimulus package to boost the slowing economy, “Today” show host Matt Lauer is working hard to ensure that the biggest contributors to the nation’s tax base won’t benefit.


Jeff Poor | January 18, 2008

     Foreign companies have been on a buying spree in American markets. But, is accepting foreign investment into the U.S. economy a bad thing?

     Every day in the media you hear how bad the U.S. economy is – whether it’s a recession…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 17, 2008

     In its continued sky-is-falling coverage of the economy and job market, ABC’s “Good Morning America” on January 17 warned that most Americans are fearing job cuts and offered helpful tips on how to “recession-proof” yourself.

Nathan Burchfiel | January 17, 2008

     CNBC host Jim Cramer chastised media colleagues on the January 17 “Today” show for contributing to fears about the economy by only reporting negative news about the possibility of a recession.

      “Today” anchor Matt Lauer told…

Jeff Poor | January 16, 2008

     Recession skeptics on the evening news are becoming as rare as global warming skeptics. They just aren’t getting any face time.

     The January 15 “CBS Evening News” was no exception. CBS correspondent Anthony Mason gave a very…

BMI Staff | January 16, 2008

Media Nearly Unanimous: Recession Inevitable Did you know two prominent surveys of…

Nathan Burchfiel | January 16, 2008

     Recent polls of economists by leading financial publications have predicted a less than 50-percent chance that the U.S. economy will enter a recession in 2008. But the media’s coverage of “recession” makes it seem inevitable.

Jeff Poor | January 16, 2008

     Liberalism and fascism aren’t polar opposites in the world according to National Review Editor at Large Jonah Goldberg. In fact, he says they’re the same – especially when it comes to pushing liberal causes such as global warming.

Herman Cain | January 16, 2008

     Immediately after the Iowa Straw Poll last August, the noted and respected journalist George Will referred to the FairTax believers who supported Mike Huckabee as “those FairTax people.”

     He made it sound as if the people who…

Daniel J. Mitchell | January 16, 2008

     The good news is that voters obviously have some desire for a better tax system. The flat has been promoted by presidential candidates as diverse as Jerry Brown (1992) and Steve Forbes (1996 and 2000). This year, the national sales tax is…

Jeff Poor | January 15, 2008

     “The economy sucks.”

     That sounds like a statement you would hear from someone who was just laid off or lost his home, but not something you would see in a reputable weekly news magazine.

     But this time, it was…

Jeff Poor | January 15, 2008

     After 18 years of service for the Federal Reserve, former Chairman Alan Greenspan decided to leave the public sector. His new opportunities provided him a pretty decent living – an $ 8.5 million for a book deal and a few high-priced…

Jeff Poor | January 15, 2008

     Defying the tenets of ethical journalism has become the norm for some media outlets when it the issue is global warming.

     “NBC Nightly News” was no exception. On January 14, “Nightly News” aired a biased alarmist report of…

Jan LaRue, Esq. | January 15, 2008

Jesus Christ brought change, as did Adolph Hitler. “Change” can mean many things. 

Most of us won't allow a hairstylist to “change” our do without an in-depth explanation. But a lot of us are buying into undefined promises of “change”…

Jeff Poor | January 14, 2008

     Some think it is a foregone conclusion the economy is in or will be going into a recession within the first two quarters of 2008, but not everyone.

     Welch, author of “Winning,” appeared on MSNBC’s January 14 “Morning Joe” to…