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Jerry Bowyer | December 12, 2007

Views side by side: read A Mortgage Bailout? by Brian Wesbury and Robert Stein for another view, and BMI Adviser Gary Wolfram's Econ 101: The Problem with Bailouts.   

     Last week President Bush and Treasury Secretary Paulson…

BMI Staff | December 12, 2007
Top Ten Media Myths of 2007 Its that time again our Top 10 Media Myths about business and economic news for the year! You might recognize some…

Views side by side: read MSM Misses on Mortgage Rescue by Jerry Bowyer for another view, and BMI Adviser Gary Wolfram's Econ 101: The Problem with Bailouts. 

     The Bush Administration proposal to assist homeowners who face mortgage…

Nathan Burchfiel | December 12, 2007

     How do you solve the problem that the American public seems uninterested in television shows and movies that preach about global warming and other environmental issues? Hide it from them!     That's…

Jeff Poor | December 11, 2007

     Want to know how to be the second richest man in the world and not be villainized by the media? Support Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for president of the United States.

     Want to know how…

Jeff Poor | December 10, 2007

      It was bound to happen eventually – that is former vice president and global warming alarmist Al Gore kicking the door open for another possible run for presidency.



Jeff Poor | December 10, 2007

     Former Vice President and global warming cheerleader Al Gore still hasn’t forgotten the past.


     During his December 10 Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech in Oslo, Gore reminded…

Julia A. Seymour | December 7, 2007

     CNN “American Morning” followed up news of President Bush’s mortgage rate freeze by asking one homeowner – who’s at least three months behind in his payments – whether it was “fair.”



Dan Gainor | December 6, 2007

See Full Report


10. Airlines are solely to blame for the unfriendly skies. Media myth: Blame the airlines for all those flight delays; never mind the obsolete government-run agency creating the gridlock.9. Consumer spending is the…

BMI Staff | December 6, 2007

See Executive Summary


10. Airlines are solely to blame for the unfriendly skies. Media myth: Blame the airlines for all those flight delays; never mind the obsolete government-run agency creating the gridlock.

Genevieve Ebel | December 6, 2007

      After Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s plan to rescue America from the “mortgage crisis” was revealed December 5, networks attacked the plan with left-wing criticism, saying that the costly plan would not affect “…

Jeff Poor | December 6, 2007

     If you want to write the next great American novel, you could have a tough go of it considering the current situation in publishing.


     Maybe it’s the digital age, but people just…

Julia A. Seymour | December 5, 2007

     Certainly you’ve heard of the housing crisis. Network news keeps repeating the phrases “housing crisis,” “foreclosure crisis” and “subprime crisis” – for months on end.



Jeff Poor | December 5, 2007

     Nothing inspires taking on the “planetary emergency” of global warming like the first snow of the winter in Washington, D.C.


     As two inches of snow accumulated outside the U.S.…

BMI Staff | December 5, 2007
Fixing Overheated Housing Market with Half-Baked Bailout Plan…
Jeff Poor | December 4, 2007

     Nothing says “peace on earth and goodwill to men” like proclaiming the “problem with Christmas” is that “no one much likes it anymore.”


     Bill McKibben, a left-wing climate-…

Jeff Poor | December 3, 2007

     Saving the world is a tough job, even for those who have an outlet like Time magazine to further their cause.


     Time’s Bryan Walsh, who has previously warned that inaction on…

Jeff Poor | December 3, 2007

     As of December 3, oil is trading under $88 a barrel, but it wasn’t that long ago the media were jumping on the $100-barrel bandwagon, warning Americans the worst was ahead.



Paul Detrick | November 30, 2007

     Sometimes business gives an inch and interest groups want a mile.


     National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition” gave a report November 30 on misleading “green” products, charging companies with “The Six Sins of…

Jeff Poor | November 30, 2007

     The latest news: our economy grew even more last quarter than we thought!


     The latest network reporting: the White House reduced its growth forecast.