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BMI Staff | October 24, 2007
Are You Afraid of the News? Happy Halloween. News reports are a fright fest these days with Planet…
Jeff Poor | October 24, 2007

     If you take the title of Paul Krugman’s latest book, “The Conscience of a Liberal” literally, you would find that a liberal’s conscience would not prevent him from portraying Southern whites as Republican pawns controlled…

Julia A. Seymour | October 24, 2007

     With Halloween a week away, the media must count on everyone loving a good scare.


     Morning and evening, day after day, journalists frighten viewers with exaggeration, hyperbole…

Paul Detrick | October 24, 2007

     CNN exploited a national tragedy on October 23 by finding a way to blame global warming for wildfires.


     During the October 23 “Anderson Cooper 360: In the Line of Fire,” Cooper…

Jeff Poor | October 23, 2007

     The Washington Post and USA Today continued the media trend of blaming the mortgage industry and letting borrowers off the hook and presented support for more government regulation.



Jeff Poor | October 23, 2007

     Jeremy Scahill, author of “Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army,” said recent media interviews with Erik Prince, owner of Blackwater USA, “would make the barons of the Soviet media empire blush…

Dan Gainor | October 22, 2007

     Six billion dead. That’s the latest magic number from the eco-left that's designed to scare the world into global warming action. Climate extremist James Lovelock, the founder of the Gaia theory, used it predicting…

Jeff Poor | October 22, 2007

     “Hugo Chávez: Friend or Foe?”  Sounds like a dumb question about a dictator who has seized U.S. businesses and called the U.S. president "the devil." But Parade Magazine teased that notion on its October 21…

Jeff Poor | October 19, 2007

     There are some eerie similarities between Oct. 19, 1987 and today: saber-rattling by the Iranians, a two-term Republican president nearing the end of his term and a network television news media voicing warnings of doom…

Jeff Poor | October 18, 2007

     Perception is important, but when it comes to economic issues, perception isn’t necessarily reality – unless you’re CNN Senior Business Correspondent Ali Velshi. Then perception supersedes factual definitions.

Jeff Poor | October 18, 2007

     Even “NBC Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams called it “this growing war on bottled water” in a promo and he was right on with his assessment.


     In recent months, ABC, CBS, NBC…

Jeff Poor | October 18, 2007

     CBS Investigative Correspondent Armen Keteyian stacked the deck against four military food-supply contractors in a “Follow the Money” segment on the October 17 “CBS Evening News.”



Paul Detrick | October 17, 2007

     What determines an economic crisis? According to “Good Morning America,” it’s sweater sales.


     ABC’s “GMA” began its October 17 broadcast with a report that might be confused…

BMI Staff | October 17, 2007
Media Worry About Another Black Monday This week marks the unhappy milestone of Black Monday for…
Julia A. Seymour | October 17, 2007

     This week marks the unhappy milestone of Black Monday for Wall Street, which had some journalists warning “it could” happen again. Even if it doesn’t, the media hammered home the prospect of a possible recession.

      The Dow…

Daniel J. Mitchell | October 17, 2007

     The Republican debates have been a bit of a disappointment, at least for those seeking a Reaganesque vision of smaller government and economic liberty. Even the recent debate in Michigan, which was supposed to focus on…

Genevieve Ebel | October 16, 2007

     Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore’s celebration weekend in Tennessee wasn’t all dinner and dancing.


     The former vice president managed to find time this past weekend to post a…

Jack Yoest | October 16, 2007

     “You know, Ron Reagan’s fiscal record was not so great…” claimed Karen Tumulty, national political correspondent for Time magazine.  Tumulty was a guest on CNN’s ‘Your $$$$$’ October 13, providing political analysis on the economic policy…

Jeff Poor | October 16, 2007

     ABC and CBS admit Social Security is in trouble, but why can’t the left?


     “In 10 years time, Social Security will be paying out more in benefits than it takes in taxes and about…

Jeff Poor | October 15, 2007

     CBS “Evening News” has a strange way of commemorating unpleasant historical events.


     The October 14 broadcast observed the 20th anniversary of the Oct. 19, 1987, stock market-…