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Paul Detrick | October 4, 2007

     Meteorologist Rob Marciano clapped his hands on CNN’s “American Morning” and exclaimed, “Finally,” in response to a report that a British judge might ban the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” from UK schools because,…

Jeff Poor | October 4, 2007

     Blackwater USA, now one of the media’s favorite targets, can’t seem to get any credit even when something goes right.

     The company, once described as “an entirely new type of war profiteer” by CNBC contributor Jon Markman,…

Jeff Poor | October 3, 2007

     Private security firm Blackwater USA drew fire from the evening news on October 2, including remarks that the firm is made up of “out-of-control guns for hire.”

     Private security firm…

Dan Gainor | October 3, 2007

     No matter how much conservatives might resist, some issues seem to call for federal intervention.

     Imagine something so important that threats to a particular industry are endangering our children’s future. One scary…

Jeff Poor | October 3, 2007

     Slanting media coverage toward promoting the “fight global warming” cause wasn’t enough for Newsweek editor Sharon Begley. Now she has brazenly dismissed global warming skeptics as unreasonable lunatics.


Jeff Poor | October 2, 2007

     When the mainstream media praise free market values, it deserves attention.


     But that’s exactly what ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” did on October 1 in a segment about…

Jeff Poor | October 2, 2007

     It’s better to give than receive, unless you’re a Republican presidential candidate and then by default you’re doing it for some ulterior motive – at least according to CBS.



Paul Detrick | October 1, 2007

     Season 9 of the reality television show “America’s Next Top Model” on The CW network has a new challenge for its contestants: “going green.”


     “I’m pretty supportive of the…

Stuart James | October 1, 2007

     Despite recent volatility, CNN’s Ali Velshi offered a notably positive story about the stock market on “American Morning” October 1, although anchor John Roberts tried to dampen his enthusiasm.

     “[F]rom the beginning of the…

Jeff Poor | September 27, 2007

     How many campaign promises can be funded by doing away with the Bush tax cuts?


     At an AARP candidate forum in Davenport, Iowa, on September 20, Democratic presidential…

Jeff Poor | September 27, 2007

     The global warming fearmongers apparently claimed more casualties – but this time the victims, a Florida family of seven, have taken extraordinary measures to ease their consciences.



Amy Menefee | September 26, 2007

Businessmen are in every city and town in America.

They make the tractors that harvest your food, the jewelry you wear and the electricity that makes our society run. They sell vegetables at your farmers' market and help you get…

Amy Menefee | September 26, 2007

See Full Report

American businessmen and women put in hard work and take big risks to build successful companies. Those firms provide the jobs, products and services that drive the U.S. economy. When the work and risks pay off,…

BMI Staff | September 26, 2007
Special Report: Bad Company For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests…
Amy Menefee | September 26, 2007

     This fall’s new shows are serving up some juicy stories of the twisted lives of businessmen, from “Big Shots” to “Dirty Sexy Money” and “Cane.”

     Everywhere you look on TV – whether it’s primetime dramas or the evening news –…

Jeff Poor | September 26, 2007

     Leave it to CNN’s “American Morning” to just not get it when it comes to curbing the growth of government.

    “[T]he House last night voted to authorize this new children’s health insurance program – $35 billion additional funding…

Genevieve Ebel | September 26, 2007

     In an attempt to dredge up old fears about beauty products, Marie Claire alarmed readers with an onslaught of one-sided experts and arguments about why you should be more concerned with what you put on your body than what…

Jeff Poor | September 25, 2007

     If there were any question that labor unions are an outdated institution, CBS has cleared that up.


     “CBS Evening News” business correspondent Anthony Mason explained to viewers…

Jeff Poor | September 25, 2007

     Now we must save the polar bear – so that we can kill it?


     In the October 1 Time Magazine – an issue that is dedicated to “who owns the Arctic” – Managing Editor Richard Stengel…

Jeff Poor | September 24, 2007

     Want a good laugh? Suggest to liberal presidential candidate Hillary Clinton that her universal health coverage plan falls in line with socialized medicine.


     Problem is – it’s…