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Jeff Poor | September 12, 2007

     Global warming might be a scary thing to some, but who would have thought on the level of a nuclear holocaust?


     “Climate change could have global security implications on a par…

Julia A. Seymour | September 12, 2007

     Apparently global warming is upsetting the fashion industry, because women’s magazine Marie Claire gave it the cold shoulder in its October issue.


     “Here’s to some global…

Amy Menefee | September 12, 2007

     After a summer of movie sequels, journalists are now pushing their latest, which could be called “Recession IV.”


     Over the last four years, “recession” has been mentioned in…

Dan Gainor | September 12, 2007

     “Armageddon.” “Collapse.” “Recession.” The media have been crying wolf about bad economic news throughout the four-year recovery.  Now that they finally have some legitimate bad news, you can expect journalists will huff and puff even…

BMI Staff | September 12, 2007
Media Coverage Rated 'R' for 'Recession' Every year for the last four years, the networks have predicted…
Jeff Poor | September 11, 2007

     Most global warming skeptics are accused of being bought-and-paid for by Big Oil, especially by pundits or the media.


    But that’s not the case for Bjørn Lomborg, author of “Cool It:…

Jeff Poor | September 11, 2007

     The housing slump is all the fault of “unscrupulous” lenders and brokers, while defaulted home borrowers were just “unsuspecting” victims – according to the September 10 “World News with Charles Gibson.”


Jeff Poor | September 10, 2007

     Newsweek’s Jonathan Darman must set a very high bar for what he deems radical.


     In the September 17 issue of Newsweek, Darman’s story, “How She Would Govern,” tried to give…

Jeff Poor | September 10, 2007

     Lower-than-expected job numbers on September 7 have given the media an excuse to pile on and advance recession fears.


     “Stocks are on a roller coaster ride; the housing market…

Jeff Poor | September 7, 2007

     Are realty foreclosures as bad as they are reported in the media? Not according to a spokesman from RealtyTrac, an Irvine, Calif.-based organization that tracks foreclosures. According to the firm, journalists sometimes…

Jeff Poor | September 6, 2007

     The government knows best – especially when it comes to spending your money, according to The New York Times.


     The September 6 issue of the Times questioned the sensibilities of…

Amy Menefee | September 6, 2007

     Just when you thought the media couldn’t be any more egregious than they already were with their reporting when it comes global warming, they’ve taken it to an all-time low.



Jeff Poor | September 6, 2007

     One embattled corporation is fighting back against unfair treatment by the media.


     The September 2007 issue of Bloomberg Markets Magazine featured a 6,000-word assault on the…

Jack Yoest | September 5, 2007

     The AFL-CIO reports that only 12 percent of the work force belonged to unions last year and the hosts of “Your $$$$$” are not happy.

     Hosts Ali Velshi and Christine Romans told viewers why labor unions are good -- and business…

Jeff Poor | September 5, 2007

     The “Good Morning America” gang of Diane Sawyer, Robin Roberts, Sam Champion and Chris Cuomo are celebrating their first anniversary together at ABC and they took time on their September 5 show to look back at the…

Jeff Poor | September 5, 2007

     Labor Day often means Pro-Organized Labor Day in the media, and CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” was the poster child this year.


     The show featured two anti-corporate, union-…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | September 5, 2007

     The difficulties in the subprime lending market are beginning to generate a chorus for a bailout of the mortgage industry. The media emphasize stories of people losing their homes to foreclosure and potential panic as adjustable-rate…

Jeff Poor | September 5, 2007

     The media haven’t done the best job on jobs.      


     In 47 straight months of job growth, the U.S. economy has created 8.3 million jobs. But despite that…

BMI Staff | September 5, 2007
Media Negative throughout Nearly Four Years of Job Growth…
Jeff Poor | September 4, 2007

     What to do about all those wealthy people? Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) has some ideas.


     Reporter Jeremy Grant conducted an interview with Frank that appeared in the September 1…