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Media Coverage Rated 'R' for 'Recession'
Every year for the last four years, the networks have predicted a recession. But the economy survived and thrived through higher gas prices, hurricanes, and even a housing slowdown. Will this finally be the year gloomy journalists are right?

Four Years of Media Fairy Tales about the Economy
Journalists pushed fable of recession throughout job-heavy economic recovery.

G: Magazine admits hybrids arent always fuel efficient
B: Newsweek calls Hillarycare bold but hardly radical
U: Editor & Publisher columnist says abandon ethics to fight global warming
Save the Planet (and Bring Your Checkbook)

Reuters: Global Warming Impact Like Nuclear War

World News Finds Extreme Examples of Mortgage Crisis

Select the Media Research Center this fall in the  Combined Federal Campaign

CFC# 12489

Protect Yourself from Terrorism
American Council on Science and Health

Subprime Bust Is No Big Deal; Heres Why

The Hunt for Black October
The American Magazine

The Subprime Mortgage Situation: Bailout Not the Right Solution
The Heritage Foundation

The Entrepreneurial Society: Is Whats Good for the Industrialist Good for the Entrepreneur?
Sept. 17, 2007, Washington, D.C.
Hudson Institute

Thriving or Threatened? Perspectives on the State of U.S. Manufacturing in a Global Economy
Sept. 25, 2007, Washington, D.C.
Cato Institute

China, Global Petro-Politics and the U.S. Economy
Sept. 26, 2007, Indianapolis, Ind.
Sagamore Institute

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