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Are You Afraid of the News?

Happy Halloween. News reports are a fright fest these days with Planet in Peril, a freefall in the stock market and the threat of superbugs. The media make it sound like the end of the world. Yes, you should be afraid of the news.

Journalists See 'Crisis' Where Even Economists Aren't Sure
Is the economy half-full, half-empty or even empty? The experts disagree, but reporters made up their minds a long time ago.

G: BusinessWeek: Spending on greenhouse gas cutting efforts dubious
B: CNN: Perception of recession trumps economic fundamentals
U: Rolling Stone article claims global warming will kill 6 billion
CNN Predicts Possible Century of Fires Due to Global Warming

Lovelock: Warming Will Kill 6 Billion

Moyers Gives Liberal Author 40 Minutes to Bash Blackwater in Interview

Select the Media Research Center this fall in the  Combined Federal Campaign

CFC# 12489

A Vital Engine of Economic Growth
The American magazine

Free Trade: Media Should Include Facts with Opinion Polls
The Heritage Foundation

Suffer the Little Children No More

Hey Al Gore, We Want a Refund
Competitive Enterprise Institute

Should American Workers Fear or Embrace Globalization?
Oct. 25, 2007, Washington, D.C.
Cato Institute

The Best-Laid Plans: How Government Planning Harms Your Quality of Life...
Oct. 30, 2007, Portland, Ore.
Cato Institute and Cascade Policy Institute

How Nations Prosper: Economic Freedom and Doing Business in 2008
Nov. 9, 2007, Washington, D.C.
Cato Institute

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