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     There’s something else to blame on global warming – but this time it’s not what you would expect.


     No, it isn’t the California wildfires. It isn’t the suggested demise of the polar bear. It’s not even a weather-related phenomenon, like a hurricane. This time, we can thank global warming for an increase in food allergies.


     “[W]e're exposed to so much more,” NBC News Chief Medical Editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman said on NBC’s October 25 “Today.” “Even global warming may play a role. New plants are moving into areas they weren't before, and this fall has been so warm. So, ragweeds and grasses are in the air and they interact. The allergies you inhale may in fact have an impact on the foods you eat. So, it becomes very intertwined.”

     According to Snyderman’s report, food allergies have doubled in the last 10 years. Snyderman was able to interject global warming by suggesting the “intertwining” is based on an idea that grasses and ragweeds somehow interact with fruits and vegetables, even though she once doubted a relationship existed.


    “I used to think so [that seasonal allergies were separate from food allergies],” Snyderman said. “But now we know not. In fact, we have a wonderful example of the things that are in front of us. Everything from ragweed and grasses can interact with a lot of the fruits and vegetables you see in front of you. So, yes if you are allergic to one of the inhalants like grasses you may have problems with some food like melons.”



Related Links:  


BMI's Special Report "Fire & Ice: Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but can't decide weather we face an ice or warming"


Climate of Bias: BMI's page devoted entirely to global warming and climate change in the media.