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     CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer took on New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for the second day in a row on the November 8 “Today.”


     “This is all … the barn door, the horse has left,” Cramer said to NBC “Today” host Meredith Vieira, in his usual animated, over the top manner. “We don't go after these guys. We need more money in the system. We don't want to make bankers gun shy. That's throwing gasoline on the Kingsfords. You do that, what will happen is there's even fewer homes bought.”

     Cramer went after Cuomo on the November 7 CNBC “Street Signs,” where he called the attorney general a “communist” because of his jihad against some mortgage lenders.


     “No, he's not doing his job,” Cramer said on “Today.” “This is New York State. This is not the federal government. He is making it so that the very institutions we need right now to provide money for people are gun shy – Fannie Mae, Washington Mutual.”


     “They made a mess,” Vieira responded, defending his actions. “He's investigating that.”


     Cramer also predicted a sharp spike in gas prices in the very short term.


     “I still like oil,” Cramer said. “I think oil goes a little bit higher. It is monster. You'll be paying at the pump. You'll be paying $4 [a gallon] within the next six weeks.”


     Ironically, Vieira introduced Cramer as a guy that “doesn't like to be “Mr. Gloom and Doom’.”


    Perhaps Vieira missed Cramer’s prior meltdown when he was yelling at the top of his lungs Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke had “no idea” how bad things were in the economy and that we were facing housing ‘Armageddon. He urged Bernanke to cut interest rates during that broadcast of CNBC’s August 3 “Street Signs.”