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James Powers | February 23, 2017

Columnists and editorial boards of national news outlets hope President Donald Trump will institute taxation of carbon dioxide, citing “prominent” Republican support for such “climate action.”

In February, The New…

Julia A. Seymour | February 22, 2017

Authorities ordered the temporary evacuation of almost 200,000 people living near the Oroville Dam in California after spillway damage and erosion caused fear of death and…

James Powers | February 21, 2017

So much for free speech. Businesses and CEOs are learning that saying anything positive about the new president can come at a heavy cost.

Under Armour Chairman and CEO Kevin Plank is the most recent business person to land in hot water…

James Powers | February 21, 2017

MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor recently called out the liberal media for coming unglued after President Donald Trump criticized the media’s coverage of him during a February press conference.

“The media…

James Powers | February 17, 2017

Rather than rejoice over the stock market rally, many people are pushing economic pessimism and that upset CNBC’s Rick Santelli.

The CNBC editor and contributor complained about the pessimism on Squawk Box Feb. 16.


James Powers | February 17, 2017

The NY-state based grocery store chain Wegmans isn’t listening to calls to boycott Trump wine.

Wegman’s spokeswoman Jo Natale refused to give in to anti-Trump pressure against the store for selling Trump wine and she defended…

James Powers | February 15, 2017

$100 trillion for a 0.3 degree temperature drop.

That’s a price tag that sounds acceptable to liberals, but not to everyone. An economist and environmentalist who says man-made climate change is real still argues that is “an…

James Powers | February 13, 2017

Do liberals really think cartoons aimed at five year olds should be pushing climate change propaganda? One Slate writer does.

Slate’s parenting advice columnist Melinda Wenner Moyer whined that cartoons just don…

James Powers | February 9, 2017

For years, the liberal media have given Bill Nye a platform to rant about his liberal views and now Netflix will give him an entire show.

Nye, “The Science Guy,” is one of the media’s favorite global warming alarmists.…

James Powers | February 8, 2017

CNN Money tried to have it both ways on “Trumponomics,” blaming bad currency news on the new president the same day it refused to credit him for any positive impact on the jobs report.

On Feb. 3, CNN Money blamed President…

James Powers | February 7, 2017

“Conscientiously” committing a felony is OK if done for environmental purposes, says the Daily Beast.

On Feb. 6, 2017, the Daily Beast published an article reveling at the news that eco-activist Ken Ward, who appeared to admit…

Julia A. Seymour | February 7, 2017

A federal agency discredited a common argument of climate skeptics in 2015, but now a whistleblower has accused the agency of misleading the public and playing politics. Not…

James Powers | February 2, 2017

In a recent interview, MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor condemned The New York Times for false reports about a recent executive order.

The Times claimed the Trump administration did not inform Department of Homeland…

Julia A. Seymour | February 2, 2017

California’s “exceptional drought” isn’t exceptionally bad any more. Winter storms have been good for the state, pulling it out of the worst rating from the U.S. Drought Monitor. However, this “huge…

James Powers | February 1, 2017

Deficits matter … if there is a Republican in office. At least, according to The Washington Post.

The Post’s Editorial Board on January 28 criticized “the [government’s] reckless return to deficit…

James Powers | January 31, 2017

There has been no shortage of vitriol directed at President Donald Trump, but one CEO recently went beyond criticism to what could be viewed as a threat.

Ted Kornblum, Founder and CEO of Magnatone guitar amplifier company, posted on Jan.…

James Powers | January 25, 2017

Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum compared the recent surge in the stock market to … you guessed it… Nazi Germany.

On Jan. 25, 2017, she tweeted to keep in mind that “in Nazi Germany, the stock market rose and…

James Powers | January 24, 2017

For years, conservatives and libertarians have been demanding the government rein in wasteful federal spending. Even liberal former President Obama once promoted the idea of agency consolidation.

One agency, the Centers for Disease…

Aly Nielsen | January 24, 2017

While the media have obsessively covered the Women’s March, not many have exposed its liberal backing. Bill O’Reilly was a key exception, citing Media Research Center statistics in the process.

“Soros has ties to 50 of…

Julia A. Seymour | January 23, 2017

Critics gave former Vice President Al Gore grief for predicting in An Inconvenient Truth that major cities including lower Manhattan would be underwater if severe ice melt…