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The NY-state based grocery store chain Wegmans isn’t listening to calls to boycott Trump wine.

Wegman’s spokeswoman Jo Natale refused to give in to anti-Trump pressure against the store for selling Trump wine and she defended the decision.

Twitchy called Natale’s response to boycott proponents with The Stop Trump Wine Group “AWESOME.”

“Our role as a retailer is to offer choice to our customers,” said Natale. "How a product performs is our single measure for what stays on our shelves and what goes."

The Stop Trump Wine Group group said on its Facebook page that Eric Trump, Donald Trump’s Son and president of Trump Winery, “shares the views of his father.” The group called on people to “demonstrate through economic action that the residents and businesses of Charlottesville will not stand for the hatred espoused by Eric Trump and those like him.”

Back on Oct. 27, Jesse Ferreras, of Huffington Post Canada, reported on the open letter from a Nordstrom shopper calling on the store to drop Ivanka’s line. The open letter went viral. Following that pressure, Nordstrom dropped her clothing line, but claimed it was “based on the brand’s performance.” Liberal celebrities celebrated this decision and posted pictures of themselves shopping there.

The Huffington Post fashion and lifestyle editor Jamie Feldman advertised a “shopping spreadsheet” from Grab Your Wallet that she described as a “One-Stop Way To Boycott The Trumps.”

Many companies have been targeted by Grab Your Wallet and other anti-Trump individuals. Major boycotts were also launched against L.L.Bean, Yuengling, New Balance and MyPillow for various forms of Trump support, but the broadcast evening news programs ignored all four stories.