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Sam Dorman | January 23, 2017

Business people or companies who chose to endorse, donate or praise Donald Trump have been under attack from the left in recent months. Yet, the network news have failed to inform their viewers about it.

The left took aim at L.L.Bean,…

Aly Nielsen | January 20, 2017

Donald Trump had been president for mere hours and liberal groups were already advocating his impeachment., a website run by Free Speech for People (FSFP) and RootsAction, went live the moment Trump took the oath…

Dan Gainor | January 20, 2017

Free speech is a concept lost on liberals. Left-wing Fusion proved that the morning of the presidential inauguration by asking Twitter to delete the account of the president elect.

The network, run by top Hillary funder Haim Saban,…

Sam Dorman | January 19, 2017

MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor denounced NBC’s attempt to downplay President-elect Donald Trump’s role in bringing new jobs to the U.S.

On twitter, Trump credited himself for new job creation on Jan. 17…

James Powers | January 19, 2017

It’s working.

President-elect Donald Trump’s talk of lowering corporate tax rates and reducing regulation is already helping the economy, according to New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Group President Tom…

Aly Nielsen | January 19, 2017

Featuring climate change films is no longer enough for Sundance. This year, there’s a whole category dedicated to environmental propaganda. Even eco-porn.

“For the first time in the history of the festival, Sundance is…

Julia A. Seymour | January 18, 2017

Former Vice President Al Gore still has admirers among the media, if the latest issue of The Hollywood Reporter is any guide.

Timed to the Sundance Film…

Sam Dorman | January 18, 2017

BuzzFeed showed its lack of journalistic integrity last week by publishing an unverified dossier accusing President-elect Trump of communicating with Russian operatives.

After BuzzFeed published the document on Jan. 10, even liberal news…

Sam Dorman | January 18, 2017

President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency faced legislators on Capitol Hill as his confirmation hearings began Jan. 18. At the same time, celebrities spewed vitriol about him online.


Aly Nielsen | January 17, 2017

After the election of Donald Trump, liberal groups are banding together to document hate crimes. At least ones that impact liberal victim groups.

ProPublica, a left-wing nonprofit media outlet funded by George Soros, just launched a brand…

Sam Dorman | January 17, 2017

Appearing on Cavuto: Coast to Coast, MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor criticized journalists for assuming they deserved a place in the White House press corps.

Coast to Coast host Neil Cavuto reported Jan. 16, that…

Aly Nielsen | January 17, 2017

Two months after Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election, the Clinton Global Initiative -- the “networking” arm of the Clinton Foundation -- is shutting down.

A Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification filed with…

Sam Dorman | January 12, 2017

Network broadcasts slammed Trump’s plan to prevent his businesses from being conflicts of interest during his presidency, and provided scant balance to defend him.

During his first press conference on Jan. 11, President-elect…

Aly Nielsen | January 11, 2017

Calling Buzzfeed stories “journalism” is “like calling dog food filet mignon,” MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor said on Wednesday.

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Sam Dorman | January 11, 2017

Broadcast networks barely covered the skyrocketing national debt in the past year, but spent far more time on toy animals called Hatchimals. ABC and NBC gave the toy sensation three times more coverage than the debt.

As of Jan. 9, the…

Julia A. Seymour | January 11, 2017

Policing the unruly anti-pipeline protests in North Dakota since August came with an exorbitant price tag for North Dakota taxpayers.

The Morton County Sheriff’s Department released new figures on Jan. 9, showing the state and local…

Aly Nielsen | January 10, 2017

It’s no secret that many Americans will not be happy on Inauguration Day 2017.

On Jan. 21, the day after President-elect Donald Trump is sworn into office, tens of thousands of women plan to descend on Washington to “send a…

Dan Gainor | January 9, 2017

It’s no surprise actress Meryl Streep leans left … like much of Hollywood. Golden Globes viewers got proof of that as they watched the Academy Award winner spend six minutes skewering Donald Trump and his supporters. What’s…

Sam Dorman, Aly Nielsen | January 6, 2017

The left-leaning Rockefeller Foundation just got a leader who served under one of the most liberal presidents of the United States.

The Rockefeller Foundation chose former Obama official Rajiv Shah to be its next president, according to a…

Aly Nielsen | January 6, 2017

Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the media are not having Trump’s Twitter habits.

On Jan. 4, 2017, MRC Vice President of Business and Culture, Dan Gainor, appeared on Intelligence Report to discuss Democrat Senate…