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James Powers | March 15, 2017

Replacing appointed attorneys from previous administrations is not unusual for a new president, but didn’t stop the liberal media from attacking President Donald Trump for it.

MRC Vice President of Business and…

Aly Nielsen | March 14, 2017

The Washington Post’s attacks on President Donald Trump are getting out of hand.

The Post hypocritically bashed Trump for taking this winter storm Stella seriously just hours after the newspaper hyped the storm…

James Powers | March 14, 2017

Add Home Depot Co-founder Ken Langone to the list of business leaders endorsing Trump’s economic agenda.

After blasting the “irrelevant” liberal media for obstructing President Trump, Langone warned…

Aly Nielsen | March 14, 2017

Editor’s note: This article contains explicit language.

Shooting President Trump in a recent music video wasn’t Snoop Dogg’s first anti-Trump performance.

The hip hop icon released…

James Powers | March 14, 2017

MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor scolded the liberal media’s coverage of good economic news under the Trump administration.

“They are giving no coverage to the good news except when…

Aly Nielsen | March 14, 2017

While the liberal broadcast networks continually fail to expose left-wing billionaire George Soros’ connections, Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly spent several minutes discussing the billionaire’s donations.

Julia A. Seymour | March 14, 2017

While financial news networks, companies and economists linked optimism over President Donald Trump’s proposed economic policies to the strong jobs report, only one of three broadcast networks — CBS — made that…

James Powers | March 10, 2017

The economic optimism of Donald Trump’s election is becoming harder to deny, although many liberals are still trying.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced March 10, that the U.S. economy added 235,000 new jobs in February…

James Powers | March 9, 2017

Republicans just announced plans to eliminate a fund that was created by Obamacare and predictably, The Washington Post is up in arms about how it “guts crucial” health funding.

Washington Post reporter Lena H. Sun blasted GOP…

Julia A. Seymour | March 9, 2017

Twelve. That’s how many records the Dow Jones Industrial Average set in a row in 2017. Twelve new records, 12 sessions in a row.

Seven. That’s how few stories three combined networks devoted in their…

Julia A. Seymour | March 9, 2017

It’s not everyday that a payroll jobs analysis crushes expectations by coming in 100K above the forecast. So when it does, it should be big news.

And it was for some media outlets, but not to the broadcast…

James Powers | March 8, 2017

The left’s boycott strategy doesn’t always work.

Since the beginning of February, Ivanka Trump Collection has seen “some of the best performing weeks in the history of the brand" president of Ivanka Trump Collection…

James Powers | March 8, 2017

“Biblically responsible” investment opportunities are antithetical to corporate America, according to The New York Times.

Times columnist Liz Moyer accused Inspire Investing’s new Christian friendly E.T.F.s (exchange…

Aly Nielsen | March 7, 2017

Left-wing women are organizing a strike for March 8, in order to prove their worth and the importance of liberal policy. The Day Without a Woman strike is the latest event pushed by organizers of the post-inauguration Women’s March.

James Powers | March 2, 2017

MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor said President Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress was like Tom Brady’s Super Bowl comeback, but predicted the media will keep “going after him.”  …

Julia A. Seymour | March 1, 2017

Just as they didn’t seem to mind Dakota Access Pipeline protesters’ arson, rioting and violence, the network news media failed to condemn the hypocrisy of self-…

Aly Nielsen | March 1, 2017

The liberal media love to report on climate change so long as the story affirms an alarmist, man-caused climate change narrative. When scientists question that, the media fall silent.

More than 300 scientists, engineers and meteorologists…

James Powers | March 1, 2017

Bill Nye the Science Guy loves to go around promoting climate change but seemingly can’t answer basic questions about the theory. When hard-pressed, the result is highly entertaining.

Appearing on Fox News’s Tucker Carlson…

Aly Nielsen | February 28, 2017

Leonardo DiCaprio claims to care about the Earth. He also blames mankind for the threat of climate change. But he’s unwilling to let his passion for the planet get in the way of his Oscar preening.

Together with a fellow actor,…

James Powers | February 27, 2017

It is getting harder to downplay the recent stock market rally, but The New York Times tried to keep it quiet.

Fox Business Network anchor Stuart Varney blasted the Times’s lack of coverage of what he called the…