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Julia A. Seymour | April 25, 2017

In case there was any doubt which side The New York Times favors when it comes to climate change opinions, the paper devoted three entire pages to “the effects of President Trump’s environmental policy.”

Just a…

Aly Nielsen | April 25, 2017

For a supposedly “non-partisan” event, Science March coverage was decidedly one sided.

Following the March for Science, on Earth Day (April 22), ABC, CBS and NBC evening news spent eight minutes positively covering the event.…

Julia A. Seymour | April 24, 2017

Left-wing filmmaker Josh Fox launched his latest film, Awake, a Dream from Standing Rock, online April 22 — after it premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival.

Julia A. Seymour | April 21, 2017

Pollution is all capitalism’s fault, according to the socialists at Liberation.

“Earth Day then vs. now: Capitalism is still killing us,”…

Aly Nielsen | April 20, 2017

Thousands of people have expressed interest in attending the “March for Science” this Earth Day, but internally the event was fraught with conflict and many actual scientists rejected the march and refused to participate.

Aly Nielsen | April 19, 2017

Paying taxes is almost universally hated — especially on Tax Day — when it is fresh on the minds of everyone who filed their 1040.

But instead of focusing on the attitudes of taxpayers or even the amount of money the federal…

Julia A. Seymour | April 19, 2017

The media were thrilled when a statue of a defiant little girl was placed opposite Arturo Di Modica’s famous “Charging Bull” on Wall Street. To the networks…

Julia A. Seymour | April 18, 2017

Climate Progress founding editor Joe Romm is furious with The New York Times for hiring a person he claims is an “extreme climate science denier.”

James Powers | April 14, 2017

MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor said that Trump’s latest military strikes against Syria and Afghanistan are part of Trump’s overall terrorism strategy: “to strike terrorists where they need to be…

James Powers | April 14, 2017

Another liberal says the way to take down President Donald Trump is to hit him where it hurts — in the wallet.

The Intercept published a video from liberal activist and award-winning journalist Naomi Klein giving…

Aly Nielsen | April 13, 2017

As tax day approaches, the broadcast networks have refused to report reality -- that most voters want lower taxes.

Providing middle class “tax relief” and simplifying the tax code were key elements of President Donald Trump…

James Powers | April 12, 2017

Many Americans think the economy is going to be great again.

A new CNBC poll indicated record high optimism about the the economy under President Donald Trump. CNBC senior economics reporter Steve Liesman told Squawk…

James Powers | April 12, 2017

Even “free” isn’t good enough for liberals.

New York State’s newly-passed 2018 budget included a provision that will pay for the tuition of residents who attend public colleges in the state,…

Aly Nielsen | April 11, 2017

Feeling sad? Coping with anxiety or “literal nightmares?” Blame climate change, claim lefty environmentalists.

“Depressed about climate change? There’s a 9-step program for that,” Fusion writer Caroline…

Aly Nielsen | April 10, 2017

The Washington Post is helping food police groups disparage pizza restaurants.

“Pizza chains are making a desperate attempt to avoid posting calories on menus,” The Washington post claimed in an April 7 article. Except it wasn…

Julia A. Seymour | April 7, 2017

Popular Mechanics downplayed the potential devastation of a North Korean electromagnetic pulse attack calling one former CIA director’s take “not realistic.…

James Powers | April 7, 2017

First Ivanka’s clothing line, now Yuengling.

Just prior to the presidential election, the owner of Yuengling beer Dick Yuengling, Jr. endorsed Donald Trump. Immediately, liberals called for a boycott of the…

James Powers | April 7, 2017

The liberal media have minimized it, but some business leaders are thrilled with President Donald Trump’s economic proposals.

At the White House April 4, the president met with more than 50 CEOs and business leaders to…

Aly Nielsen | April 6, 2017

The Los Angeles Times has struck once again in a feeble attempt to sink ExxonMobil. This time, rewriting the story of a 28-year-old shipwreck.

The April 6 L.A. Times story, by Columbia Journalism School researchers, used 2,340 words to…

Julia A. Seymour | April 5, 2017

President Donald Trump got elected with promises to rev up the economy and create millions of jobs, so he has made sitting down with CEOs, executives and small business leaders a priority. Only it’s been a media priority to ignore…