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Julia A. Seymour | June 14, 2017

President Donald Trump declared he would bring coal jobs back to the U.S. — first on the campaign trail and then after he was elected. Network news media reacted with a mix of skepticism and criticism.

ABC and NBC evening news…

Aly Nielsen | June 12, 2017

Washington Post business columnist Steven Pearlstein’s argument that businesses “dump” President Donald Trump demonstrated why many Americans think the liberal media is out of touch with reality.

“Now is the time…

Aly Nielsen | June 9, 2017

Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen condemned climate change as a “socialist, global wealth redistribution scheme” on Twitter.

Kernen shared a story exposing the UN Sustainability Advisor Jeffrey Sachs accusing President Donald…

Julia A. Seymour | June 8, 2017

A case with huge implications for journalists and speech began on June 5, and the three broadcast networks ignored it.

Perhaps because it is one of their own — ABC — which is being sued for its biased attacks on one company…

Aly Nielsen | June 8, 2017

When President Donald Trump proposed privatizing air traffic control, liberal media outlets like Slate and The Los Angeles Times only told half the story.

“Trump has picked a rather thorny subject on which to wage his first…

Corinne Weaver, Aly Nielsen | June 7, 2017

Billionaire George Soros donated at least $10.5 million to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. But the two families are chummy beyond that and they don’t even try to hide it.    Soros’ son Alexander posted a selfie of himself…

Aly Nielsen | June 6, 2017

The Washington Post is so against the Koch brothers, it will even oppose their charitable donations to the arts.

“With the planet in peril, arts groups can no longer afford the Koch brothers’ money,” Post art and…

Julia A. Seymour | June 5, 2017

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg reacted to a U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Deal by pledging $15 million to the…

Aly Nielsen | June 5, 2017

Since President Donald Trump’s election, the major media have feverishly covered alleged collusion with Russia. But they refused to report on evidence that the government worked with George Soros to fund “left-leaning policies”…

Julia A. Seymour | June 1, 2017

Editor’s note: This story contains explicit language.

From drunken driving and Titanic sinking comparisons, to complaints about the impact on “racial justice,” liberals lost it when President Donald…

Aly Nielsen | June 1, 2017

InsideClimate News may have won a Pulitzer Prize, but it looks like it skipped Journalism 101: report, don’t speculate.

InsideClimate writer David Hasemyer reported on May 23, that ExxonMobil lost an appeal “to keep records…

Aly Nielsen | May 31, 2017

Every major news outlet is reporting that President Trump will likely cancel the controversial Paris Climate Agreement. President Barack Obama intentionally avoided signing a climate treaty because it probably wouldn’t have passed the…

The media frenzy over expectations President Donald Trump will abandon the climate agreement signed in Paris by Obama has only just begun — and it’s already out of control.

Liberal media, climate alarmists, activists and…

Aly Nielsen | May 30, 2017

Climate alarmists often use offensive and harsh language to denounce skeptics and critics. Billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer recently proved he’s no exception.

According to Steyer, President Donald Trump would be committing…

Julia A. Seymour | May 26, 2017

Liberals always greet proposals to reduce government spending with panic and fear mongering. The left-wing media’s response to President Donald Trump’s 2018 budget proposal was no exception.

In the words of liberal sites and…

Aly Nielsen | May 25, 2017

Some in the media recently tried to blame President Donald Trump for a Montana GOP candidate who body slammed a reporter.

Aly Nielsen | May 24, 2017

Climate alarmist Michael Mann thinks the attacks on his climate science and his credibility are akin to Nazi persecution.

Speaking at the May 13, commencement address of Green Mountain College, Penn State Meteorology professor Michael…

Julia A. Seymour | May 24, 2017

Late Show host Stephen Colbert doesn’t hide his disdain for President Donald Trump. He celebrates it.

Even the backlash over Colbert’s recent gay…

Dan Gainor | May 24, 2017

When it’s left-wing Vox, every incident is about agenda -- sometimes with hilarious results.

Soon after an impaired driver killed an 18-year-old-girl in Times Square May 18, Vox writer German Lopez wrote a think piece condemning…

Julia A. Seymour | May 23, 2017

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped sharply on May 17. The broadcasts networks all reported it that night, attributing the drop to accusations of potential wrongdoing by…