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Climate alarmists often use offensive and harsh language to denounce skeptics and critics. Billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer recently proved he’s no exception.

According to Steyer, President Donald Trump would be committing “a traitorous act of war against the American people” if he withdraws the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement.

Steyer released a statement meant to defend the Paris Climate Agreement, which read more like an excuse to attack the president on May 28. That was the same day Axios reported rumors Trump would abandon the climate deal.

In Steyer’s words, Trump is “hellbent on giving corporate polluters free reign to poison our air and water” and “has abdicated American leadership.”

“Generations of Americans will suffer the destructive effects of Trump's greedy, selfish, and immoral decision,” Steyer predicted. His hyperbolic rant portrayed the Paris climate agreement as the last hope for the U.S. environment — without which “Trump, the fossil fuel companies, and the Republican Party” would join forces to destroy.

“The Paris Agreement is essential to leaving a healthy, safe and prosperous world to our children,” he claimed.

In reality, countless regulations to limit pollution already exist regardless of Trump’s decision to abide by or walk away from the Paris deal struck by the Obama administration.

Steyer founded NextGen Climate, a liberal PAC that attacks fossil fuels and promotes climate alarmism. In 2016 alone, he dumped $91 million into Democratic and liberal campaigns, including donations to Hillary Clinton, making him the largest overall donor for that election cycle.

The official Democratic Party platform adopted during the 2016 election included NextGen’s goal of eliminating U.S. coal powered energy by 2050.

Steyer was also the largest donor during the 2014 election cycle, spending more than $75 million.

In addition to political donations, Steyer gave millions more to various left-wing groups through the TomKat Charitable Trust. Between 2010 and 2014, he gave $28.5 million to groups which included the Center for American Progress,, Natural Resources Defense Council, Environmental Defense Fund and Common Sense Media.

Steyer’s full statement was available on Facebook and Twitter:

If Donald Trump pulls the United States out of the Paris Agreement he will be committing a traitorous act of war against the American people.

The Paris Agreement is essential to leaving a healthy, safe and prosperous world to our children, but Trump is making it clear that he’s willing sacrifice America’s best interests for the sake of special interest profits. Generations of Americans will suffer the destructive effects of Trump's greedy, selfish, and immoral decision.

We cannot underestimate the degree to which Trump is weakening America’s position the world. Trump has abdicated American leadership and sent a clear message to both our allies and enemies alike: In the search for courageous and moral solutions to the challenges of the 21st century, don’t count on America to lead.

With Trump hellbent on giving corporate polluters free reign to poison our air and water, states and cities must lead the way. States like California, Minnesota and New York have already joined the Under2 MOU, a coalition of governments committed to upholding our commitment to limit emissions as in line with the Paris Agreement. More local governments must join them in putting clean air and water and a healthy climate ahead of polluters’ profits.

Time is running out, and now it’s up to state and local leaders to protect their citizens from Trump, the fossil fuel companies, and the Republican Party.