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Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen condemned climate change as a “socialist, global wealth redistribution scheme” on Twitter.

Kernen shared a story exposing the UN Sustainability Advisor Jeffrey Sachs accusing President Donald Trump of “sociopathic behavior” for withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement. Sachs posted an op-ed for Project Syndicate arguing the “next human-caused climate disasters should be named Typhoon Donald, Superstorm Ivanka, and Megaflood Jared,” because of the “corruption and viciousness of those surrounding him [Trump].”

“Who in their right minds believes this?” Kernen tweeted on June 9, “And what does it say about the veracity of CAGW [Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming] if acolytes call this ‘science’ and accept as fact?”

An account named “The Skeptic” challenged Kernen by asking “Even if you DON’T believe in climate change WHY TAKE THE RISK if there are acceptable alternatives?”

“Phantom menace, at best. At worst a socialist, global wealth redistribution scheme,” Kernen replied.

Phantom menace, at best. At worst a socialist, global wealth redistribution scheme.

— Joe Kernen (@JoeSquawk) June 9, 2017

Kernen also differentiated between “hard science” and the “Theology, Dogma, and Social Science” of climate change.

The entire thread can be read here.