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James Powers | April 5, 2017

Good things come in threes.

This is the third month in a row for a strong jobs report. The question is: Will journalists continue to ignore the good economic news under President Donald Trump?


Aly Nielsen | April 5, 2017

Much like the January 2017, anti-Trump Women’s March, the protests against Trump’s Supreme Court pick were not grassroots efforts.

Fourteen “People’s Filibuster” events protesting Supreme…

James Powers | April 5, 2017

The gender pay gap is not what the left claims, but the liberal media continue peddling the misinformation that women make far less than men.

Proponents of the “misleading” wage gap statistic designated…

James Powers | April 4, 2017

Even in the face of obvious failure, the liberal media deflect blame for Venezuela’s economic collapse away from socialism.

On April 1, New York Times columnists Max Fisher and Amanda Taub blamed “populism…

James Powers | April 4, 2017

Fox Business host Stuart Varney nearly lost it when his CEO guest was unable or unwilling to see his own hypocrisy on taxes.  

Varney, who heads up Varney & Company, blasted Dal LaMagna, CEO of Icestone USA,…

James Powers | March 30, 2017

One CNBC anchor thinks the media are “in cahoots with the hating party” and it’s hurting the president’s ability to function with Congress.

Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen blasted the media for…

James Powers | March 29, 2017

The liberal media literally can’t wait for bad economic news under President Donald Trump.

CNNmoney staff writer Matt Egan anticipated a potential “longest losing streak since 1978” for the Dow Jones…

Sarah Stites | March 29, 2017

It’s the end of the world as we know it. Just when lefty celebrities thought the world couldn’t get any worse, President Donald Trump stabbed Mother Earth in the heart.

On March 28, Trump rolled back the…

Aly Nielsen | March 29, 2017

Liberal climate blogs have insulted climate change skeptics with a term reminiscent of Holocaust deniers almost every other day — just since Donald Trump’s election.

InsideClimate News, DeSmogBlog and Grist smeared people…

James Powers | March 28, 2017

Michael Moore is known for spewing outlandish, liberal drivel, but he turned apocalyptic as a reaction to the overthrow of former President Obama’s energy plan. (See tweet here.) 

Julia A. Seymour | March 28, 2017

The outrage culture is always finding something new to be angry about. This time it was over a business choosing to enforce its rules about how representatives of the company…

James Powers | March 27, 2017

Editor’s note: This article contains offensive language.

Taking a break from tweeting against the President Donald Trump, comedian Sarah Silverman lashed out at a new target: “evil” banks and “…

James Powers | March 27, 2017

With Starbuck’s stock underperforming, its about time someone questioned Starbucks’s liberal agenda. Just don’t expect the media to care.

A conservative think tank, The National Center for Public Policy…

Julia A. Seymour | March 24, 2017

Liberals in the news media hate government funding cuts, especially cuts that threaten promoters of their agenda.

Which is why they were so outraged about…

Julia A. Seymour | March 23, 2017

The Michigan tourism board must be gleeful since Popular Science made over-the-top climate predictions that could send people packing for the Wolverine state.

MLive reported the PopSci story and video on March 22, with the…

James Powers | March 22, 2017

Sen. Bernie Sanders is beloved by many in the liberal press, which is why most are unlikely to point the hypocrisy of his recent rant against America.

In a March 18 tweet, the former Democratic presidential candidate…

James Powers | March 17, 2017

Seeing a conservative and a liberal agree on the idea of term limits is quite unusual.

Though they don’t usually agree on much, CNBC’s Squawk Box co-anchors Joe Kernen and Andrew Ross Sorkin both praised…

James Powers | March 17, 2017

The liberal media just can’t seem to get anything right -- even math.

Journalists were eager to follow in the wake of Rachel Maddow tax fiasco. ABC and CBS evening news shows reported that Trump paid an effective tax rate of about…

James Powers | March 16, 2017

CNN used the suffering of natural disaster victims to push its obsession with climate change.

Meera Senthilingam, a CNN health producer, wrote early March 14, that climate change is causing “depression, anxiety…

James Powers | March 15, 2017

Wall Street has been brimming with optimism since President Donald Trump’s election, but Main Street’s optimism soared as well. Some say the new GOP health insurance bill may keep that going.

CNBC reporter…