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Alexander Hall | June 30, 2021

Liberals jumped the gun on COVID censorship, and former President Donald Trump let them know it in his appearance on The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. Trump wasn’t shy about taking a victory lap responding to liberals who initially…

Kayla Sargent | June 30, 2021

In a second major legal win for Facebook this week, a federal judge dismissed another lawsuit that would have held Facebook accountable for censoring content it disagreed with.

California Senior District Judge Susan Illston dismissed the…

Joseph Vazquez | June 30, 2021 founder Steve Milloy ripped President Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency for filling a core committee with compromised eco-partisans. The junk science buster is vowing to sue the Biden administration as a result.

Kayla Sargent | June 29, 2021

Conservative lawmakers appeared ready and willing for a fight to protect free speech from Big Tech’s tyrannical grip at an event hosted to feature solutions.

The Ethics & Public Policy Center held a Big Tech Symposium that allowed…

Alexander Hall | June 29, 2021

Journalist and New York Times bestselling author Andy Ngo is famous for putting himself at risk reporting on the front lines of America’s culture war. Now one of the internet’s most popular platforms for listening to music and podcasts has…

Joseph Vazquez | June 29, 2021

The climate doom-mongers at The New York Times must now face the reality that their decades-old eco-Armageddon predictions were flat out wrong.

The Times screeched in a 1995 story how “some of the predicted effects of climate change may…

Alexander Hall | June 29, 2021

So much for YouTube’s brief neutrality. After a rare case of censoring an organization on the left, YouTube has now reinstated the anti-conservativeoperation known as Right Wing Watch. YouTube claimed that the ban was an accident.


Joseph Vazquez | June 29, 2021

The liberal media hate when big corporations step outside of the woke narrative and support congressional GOP members who thought the 2020 elections were shady.

Axios’s hit piece was headlined, “Toyota leads companies in election-objector…

Autumn Johnson | June 28, 2021

A federal court judge dismissed the Federal Trade Commission’s antitrust complaint against Facebook on Monday.

The FTC and attorney generals from 48 states argued that Facebook deliberately sabotaged attempts to prevent a monopoly during…

Alexander Hall | June 28, 2021

TikTok can be subservient to the genocidal Chinese government, but the platform’s real offense was allowing conservative commentators, a leftist organization said.

“Comedian and conservative commentator Steven Crowder has been banned from…

Kayla Sargent | June 28, 2021

Big Tech has hidden behind Section 230 protections for years, but a recent decision from the Texas Supreme Court may shape platforms’ ability to skirt around cases involving human trafficking.

The Texas Supreme Court has ruled that…

Joseph Vazquez | June 28, 2021

A leftist assistant professor argued that the U.S. needs to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars to fight climate change. And spending “trillions” is just the “down payment,” according to her perspective.

University of California, Santa…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 28, 2021

Americans may have thought that physical marketplaces were safe from Big Tech surveillance. But Amazon is now tracking consumers as they shop at offline markets too.

Amazon recently opened its first full-size Amazon Fresh grocery store…

Alec Schemmel | June 28, 2021

Facebook continues to allow China to lie to the world about its human rights violations against Uyghurs, while simultaneously banning the former president of the United States from its platform.

Experts in the fields of tech policy, human…

Alec Schemmel | June 28, 2021

It appears Big Tech does not want former President Donald Trump back online — not yet, at least.

Tech platforms have cracked down tightly on the former president, banishing his presence from their networks. In Big Tech’s latest act of…

Autumn Johnson | June 27, 2021

Former President Donald Trump has joined YouTube alternative Rumble.

Trump’s account is verified and has just one video so far, an upload of Saturday’s rally in Ohio.

Several prominent conservatives have also joined Rumble.…

Autumn Johnson | June 26, 2021

Former TikTok employees have disclosed that the popular social media platform is largely controlled by its Chinese parent company.

TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, supplies the Chinese government with endless American user data since…

Autumn Johnson | June 25, 2021

A video channel dedicated to highlighting human rights violations in China has been blocked by YouTube.

Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights channel is run by Serikzhan Bilash, a Xinjiang-born activist who has been arrested for his pro-…

Joseph Vazquez | June 25, 2021

The New York Times economist Paul Krugman has a knack for being allergic to the truth and is whining about how economics can survive in a “post-truth nation.”

Krugman’s latest drivel was headlined, “Economics in a Post-Truth Nation.”…

Kayla Sargent | June 25, 2021

Christian satire site The Babylon Bee has, once again, felt the sting of tech censorship.

The site was reportedly suspended from email service Mailchimp. The Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon tweeted: “I’d email everyone to let them know @…