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Joseph Vazquez | July 14, 2021

The derelict ABC, CBS and NBC morning news networks bypassed a new inflation report showing consumer prices skyrocketing at record paces in the U.S. They ignored the report as if it didn’t exist.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)…

Heather Moon | July 14, 2021

Philanthropy Roundtable board member Vivek Ramaswamy blasted Big Tech for its unconstitutional censorship in a Fox News appearance. He argued that the government was using private companies as a backdoor to do what it could not do legally in an…

Kayla Sargent | July 14, 2021

Big Tech’s war against conservative voices has reached new heights. But MRC Free Speech America’s CensorTrack team has exposed the left’s  online censorship by amassing 2,500 individual cases to hold Big Tech accountable. 


Gabriela Pariseau | July 13, 2021

CloutHub Founder and CEO Jeff Brain announced in a recent press release that his alternative social media platform will now be free from Big Tech’s web hosting services. 

Big Tech corporations have a notorious history of kicking free…

Alexander Hall | July 13, 2021

France has put its money where its mouth is by demanding hundreds of millions of dollars from Google as punishment for allegedly refusing to work within the country’s competition guidelines.

Americans may be shocked to find that Europeans…

Joseph Vazquez | July 13, 2021

CNN’s knee-jerk reaction to spiking gas prices was to protect President Joe Biden, and Twitter users jumped all over the outlet for it.

CNN Business published a ridiculous story headlined, “Gas prices are above $3. Biden doesn’t have a…

Autumn Johnson | July 12, 2021

The Democratic National Convention and other Biden allies are “casting conservative opponents of its Covid-19 vaccine campaign as dangerous and extreme.” And they will partner with Big Tech and fact-checkers to stop them, according to…

Alexander Hall | July 12, 2021

Americans have been censored by Big Tech companies and financially hampered by big banks for having conservative values. Now outspoken Christian and founder and CEO of Life Without Limbs (LWL) Nick Vujicic has stepped up to fight back against…

Kayla Sargent | July 12, 2021

Former President Donald Trump can’t catch a break when it comes to Big Tech censorship.

Trump bashed Big Tech censorship in a July 11 speech at CPAC in Dallas, Texas. The American Conservative Union (ACU) said YouTube censored its CPAC…

Joseph Vazquez | July 12, 2021

A new report by The Wall Street Journal blew apart the liberal media narrative that spiking inflation under President Joe Biden would only be a temporary issue.

The Journal reported that “Americans should brace themselves for several…

Autumn Johnson | July 10, 2021

Actor Ashton Kutcher is concerned that China is using TikTok to influence the beliefs of young Americans.

In an appearance on American Optimist with Joe Lonsdale, Kutcher warned that China uses TikTok create “an anti-US propaganda”, and…

Autumn Johnson | July 10, 2021

A lawsuit targeting a pro-Trump meme has been dismissed.

Last year, meme artist Carpe Donktum was permanently banned on Twitter over a meme that targeted CNN for alleged copyright infringement.

The case was brought before the…

Autumn Johnson | July 9, 2021

Members of the class-action lawsuit filed by former President Donald Trump are looking for stories from other social media users who have had their content censored by Big Tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

An Instagram…

Autumn Johnson | July 9, 2021

President Biden took aim at Big Tech in his latest executive order on Friday. Or at least that's what they said.

The sweeping executive order says it cracks down on Big Tech’s anti-competitive practices. The order includes 72 actions and…

Kayla Sargent | July 9, 2021

Big Tech companies have readily censored anyone they disagree with for years. Now, a new book from nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin details their radical motives. 

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell…

Joseph Vazquez | July 9, 2021

Did CNBC get its understanding of economics from the back of a cereal box? The outlet is arguing that the silver lining to skyrocketing inflation is — “rising wages.”

The liberal outlet noted how “[a]s the economy picks up in the wake of…

Kayla Sargent | July 8, 2021

Big Tech has made a habit out of silencing conservatives for too long, but former President Donald Trump decided to fight back, launching lawsuits against Facebook, Twitter and Google. 

Trump put Big Tech on blast in an op-ed for The…

Kayla Sargent | July 8, 2021

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) claims in its mission statement that the organization works to “advance the human rights of all people.” But the SPLC has appeared more interested in silencing and deplatforming conservatives from platforms…

Joseph Vazquez | July 8, 2021

Leftist New York Times economist Paul Krugman can’t stop selling himself as the public relations foghorn for President Joe Biden’s economy.

Krugman headlined his latest op-ed “It’s Morning in Joe Biden’s America” in a nonsensical…

Autumn Johnson | July 7, 2021

Thirty-six states and Washington D.C. have sued Google over alleged antitrust violations in the Android app store.

The California federal court case challenges a recently expanded Google policy that forces app developers to pay a 30…