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Autumn Johnson | June 18, 2021

Dave Portnoy, the founder of Barstool Sports, was inexplicably suspended from Twitter on Friday.

@BFFsPod, the Twitter account for the weekly podcast hosted by Portnoy and TikTok star, Josh Richards, tweeted screenshot of Portnoy's…

Autumn Johnson | June 18, 2021

A book review discussing the irreversible damage of gender dysphoria in children was removed after backlash.

A favorable review on Science-Based Medicine about “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” by Abigail…

Joseph Vazquez | June 18, 2021

CATO Director of Tax Policy Studies Chris Edwards joined Fox Business to dismantle a leftist argument from the Soros-funded ProPublica that the rich don’t pay their fair share in taxes.

Edwards ripped ProPublica’s recent report that used…

Kayla Sargent | June 18, 2021

Facebook appears to have finally developed a sense of humor after its history of fact-checking and targeting satire sites like The Babylon Bee.

The platform announced that it has developed a satire exception to its censorship practices in…

Craig Bannister | June 18, 2021

On Thursday, a coalition of 26 conservative organizations and activists released a letter to Congress, warning that antitrust bills targeting Big Tech platforms being pushed by Democrats “would give unelected Biden bureaucrats sweeping new power…

Kayla Sargent | June 17, 2021

Facebook’s censorship practices have evolved once again. The platform has decided to now extend its power to administrators of Facebook groups. 

The platform said in a blog post that it has developed new tools to “empower community…

Alexander Hall | June 17, 2021

First liberal corporations attacked conservative speech, but now they are destabilizing the finances of those they disagree with, as former Senate candidate Lauren Witzke has reportedly discovered.

American bank Wells Fargo has reportedly…

Joseph Vazquez | June 17, 2021

A Fox Business contributor wasn’t having it with the money printing-obsessed Federal Reserve raising its inflation target and moving up expectations for an interest rate hike only in 2023.

Kaltbaum Capital Management owner and president…

Gabriela Pariseau | June 16, 2021

Facebook’s Oversight Board accepted the company’s request for an “advisory opinion” on the “sharing of private residential information.”

The platform asked its Oversight Board to review Facebook’s policy on posting private information…

Alexander Hall | June 16, 2021

Associate Professor of Law at Columbia University Lina Khan was voted in by a bipartisan vote of 69-to-28 to join the Federal Trade Commission. Multiple Republicans appear unconvinced she is the right person for the job.

“By naming tech…

Joseph Vazquez | June 16, 2021

Spiking inflation seems to be the new normal under President Joe Biden’s administration, and the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news continue to protect him from negative coverage.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported June 15 that the…

Alec Schemmel | June 16, 2021

Conservative lawmakers condemned Facebook for censoring former President Donald Trump while simultaneously allowing the Chinese Communist Party to post propaganda freely on its platform.

When asked for their reaction to a Media Research…

Kayla Sargent | June 15, 2021

The White House National Security Council released a report about domestic terrorism, and it may actually encourage more censorship online. 

The report, titled “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism,” included the Jan.…

Joseph Vazquez | June 15, 2021

The liberal media have tried to divert blame away from President Joe Biden for the skyrocketing inflation occurring under his leftist agenda. But Americans aren’t buying it.

A newly released poll by the Trafalgar Group — in partnership…

Alexander Hall | June 15, 2021

Big Tech advocates filed a lawsuit to stop Florida’s free speech bill, and the clock is ticking for its defenders to scramble together a defense plan.

Locking horns with Big Tech is an easy way to make powerful enemies. “Groups…

Heather Moon | June 15, 2021

A new study used biased “fact-checkers” to determine what was “true” and claimed conservatives couldn’t tell the difference between factual and misleading news as well as liberals. 

The report had some obvious flaws. Many of the so-…

Kayla Sargent | June 14, 2021

Facebook has slapped an unfair fact-check label on yet another post from the Media Research Center. 

Facebook fact-checker Health Feedback fact-checked a video from MRCTV Managing Editor Brittany Hughes for “Partly False Information…

Alexander Hall | June 14, 2021

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) raked Big Tech companies over the coals for being a hazard to America. 

DeSantis scorched Big Tech companies during a Sunday Morning Futures interview.  "When they’re censoring things about…

Kayla Sargent | June 14, 2021

Creators said that communist Chinese-owned TikTok has been censoring them for “being Jewish” much in the same way Big Tech companies have censored conservatives.

Several Jewish creators on TikTok have alleged that their content was…

Joseph Vazquez | June 14, 2021

The New York Times appeared to celebrate a liberal think tank tied to leftist billionaire George Soros for spreading its influence in Washington, D.C.

The Times propagated how Data for Progress, a pro-Green New Deal and Medicare-for-All…