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Software company Basecamp decided to ban political discussions from its internal forums. The left could not handle the idea of a neutral company and went on the attack. 

The company banned “societal and political discussions” and even put its podcast “on pause.” The changes followed employee complaints of racism over a list of funny-sounding names. The company’s employees, the liberal media and Twitter users panicked about the possibility of being unable to spread their propaganda. 

Basecamp co-founder and CEO Jason Fried announced several company-wide changes on April 26. Notably, the list of changes included “[n]o more societal and political discussions on our company Basecamp account.”

The tech media were upset. Leftist Judd Legum, author of the “Popular Information” newsletter, said: “The software company @basecamp has decided to ban political discussion on their company account. But this is a POLITICAL DECISION and artificially enforcing a work culture that, in the view of the owners, is apolitical, will create a new kind of political culture.” The Washington Post reported “Basecamp is telling employees to keep chatter about politics or social issues out of work, amid growing limits on employee speech across the tech industry. “ 

The company even decided to put its “Rework” podcast on hold. The company described the podcast as “A podcast about a better way to work and run your business, from Basecamp and HEY.”  Buzzfeed Senior Technology Reporter Caroline O'Donovan tweeted: “So, @basecamp, the tech co that banned discussion of political + societal issues at work & disbanded the diversity council that comprised of 1/3 of it's staff had a podcast about ‘a better way to work’ that its hosts are now putting on an indefinite pause.”

The company’s apparent sin dates back more than a decade. The Verge reported that “[a]round 2009, Basecamp customer service representatives began keeping a list of names that they found funny.” This list, called the “Best Names Ever,” included some American and European names, but also some “Asian or African” names. “What once had felt like an innocent way to blow off steam, amid the ongoing cultural reckoning over speech and corporate responsibility, increasingly looked inappropriate, and often racist.” The Verge continued: “Basecamp employees are encouraged to discuss the company’s own political positions — or, perhaps more accurately, the founders’ political positions — as much as they like.”

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Basecamp at and thank them for keeping their company apolitical. Companies need to take a stand against liberal media pressure and corporate wokeism. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.