
The Job Creators Network (JCN)
YouTube placed an "inappropriate content" restriction on a video from The Job Creators Network (JCN), a nonprofit that supports small businesses, which depicted scenes of the recent…
Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson, of Fox's Tucker Carlson Tonight, posted a clip to Twitter of one of his nightly newscasts. In the clip, Carlson spoke about the destruction and violence occurring in the United…
Andrew Duncomb
A right-wing GoFundMe campaign raising funds for protective vests, developed in response to a left-wing campaign raising money for protective vests, was shut down because there were questions…
Doug Hendrix
Facebook censors comparison of BLM to Nazis: A Twitter user reported that his Facebook account was suspended for 30 days. He explained that this was due to a meme that he shared. The meme shows two…
Montana Whitewolf
Twitter censors user questioning Biden blaming guns for murder of deputies: A Twitter user called out Joe Biden for blaming guns for the murder of two California deputies. His tweet said: "@JoeBiden…
Jill Colton
Twitter censors user for defending Kyle Rittenhouse: Twitter user Jill Colton tweeted a message in defense of Kyle Rittenhouse, also pointing out that one of the men that he shot was a pedophile. She…
Twitter censors mention of Antifa site redirecting to Biden site: A Twitter user reported that she was unable to make a tweet that pointed out the Antifa site was redirecting to Joe Biden's campaign…
Lin Wood
Twitter suspends attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse, then rescinds suspension: Lin Wood, former attorney for Richard Jewell and Nick Sandmann, currently representing Kyle Rittenhouse who has been…
IV McArthy
Twitter censors meme about Kyle Rittenhouse: A Twitter user posted a meme that says "The sleeping giant has been awoken by Kyle Rittenhouse," and depicts a mastic shadow monster labeled as Patriots…
Cassandra Fairbanks
Twitter censors Gateway Pundit journalist Cassandra Fairbanks for tweeting support of Kyle Rittenhouse: Gateway Pundit journalist Cassandra Fairbanks, known as @CassandraRules, tweeted "Kyle…
Ann Coulter
Twitter censors Ann Coulter tweet about Kyle Rittenhouse: According to an article by Truthout, Ann Coulter was forced to delete a tweet that she made about Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse is the 17-…
Ian Miles Cheong
Twitter suspends popular conservative journalist for calling for "law and order": Ian Miles Cheong, managing editor of Human Events, was suspended by Twitter for a week. Cheong re-tweeted a video of…
There seemed to be a higher level of censorship on this video. User posted response to her appeal for the video, in which Youtube stated that while it does not violate community standards, it may not…
User tweeted: "You mistaken me for free stuff rioters. I make more than 150K a year, I'm the one who pays for all this rioting scam on the streets so they can go to doctors for free and get food…
Donald Trump
Twitter is at it again. The social media site censored President Donald Trump’s response to raging protests just outside the White House. Trump warned the attempt to turn historic St. John’…
Donald Trump
After fact-checking President Donald Trump by using statements from CNN and The Washington Post, Twitter fired another salvo at Trump again over a tweet about the Minneapolis riots. Trump tweeted, “…
This user was suspended and lost their ability to post or comment on Facebook after five of their previous posts violated the platform's community standards. Two of the violating posts depicted…