Ann Coulter

Twitter censors Ann Coulter tweet about Kyle Rittenhouse: According to an article by Truthout, Ann Coulter was forced to delete a tweet that she made about Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse is the 17-year-old who was attacked by Antifa protestors while trying to protect a business from riot destruction in Kenosha, WI, and shot three rioters, killing two. Rittenhouse's lawyers are claiming it was in self-defense, but Twitter and other social media outlets have staked a claim that his behavior was that of a mass murderer and anything positive about him or his actions are subject to censorship. Such was the case with Ann Coulter, who was responding to another user's tweet. That user tweeted "I want Kyle Rittenhouse as my bodyguard." Coulter re-tweeted this and added, "I want him as my president." Twitter has acknowledged that it forced Coulter to delete this tweet.

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