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87 87
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19 19
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Displaying 6781 - 6800 of 7110
J Molina
User tweeted: "Let my people GO!!! #OpenAmerica #HB #USA #Freedom" along with a photo of a car driving past a reopen rally/protest in an unidentified location with palm trees. This image was censored…
In response to someone tweeting about getting @RealJamesWoods account fixed after a hack, user tweeted: "Hey @jack will you listen to this guy?? Stop the #Tyranny" along with a photo of an…
Eye of the Clown
User reported on Twitter that he was suspended on Facebook for 22 hours because he posted the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Crystal Lindell
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed her post of the Biden collage for violating community standards. She did not say whether she was also suspended. Using Twitter username and followers.
User tweeted: "Rhode Island Tyrant needs to stop! #LOCKDOWN2020 #screenshotsaturday #RhodeIsland @realDonaldTrump @SherryRoberts29 #COVID_19 #tyranny" along with some images of a long post someone…
User tweeted: "#OpenTheStreets Don't Forget Independent Street Vendors! #RecallGavinNewsom #ReOpenAmerica #OpenAllBeaches #StayAtHomeUntilWeHaveNoHome #CoronaVirusPandemic" along with a photo of a…
Diane Shapiro
User tweeted: "Regardless. I haven't yet worn a mask nor submitted to #tyranny #MyBodyMyChoice" along with a meme of some Nazi soldiers reviewing someone's paperwork in WWII with the text "You haven'…
User tweeted: "Gracias Governor! I wanna try ALL these #OutdoorActivities on ur "It's OK to Do List" dis Weekend! But da parking lots are Closed! #RecallGavinNewsom #ReOpenBeaches #ReOpenAmerica #…
User tweeted: "#DemocratPrivilege #DemocratsStayHome Hypocrites!! #MichiganProtest #OrangeCounty #NYC #Chicago #DC #CaliforniaProtest #OpenAmerica Democrat is Code Word for Communist! #tyranny #…
Christopher Lee
User tweeted: "The video banned by Youtube is back up - Check out Dr. Erickson explain why social distancing is not helpful. God Bless you Dr. Erickson. #ReopenAmerica #ReopenAmericaNow" along with a…
Katiuscia Maria
User tweeted: "Amazing day in San Diego exercising constitutional rights! Let's get back to work America! #1a #Freedom #ReopenCa #ReopenAmerica @RealDonaldTrump @10News @fox5sandiego @KUSINews" along…
User tweeted: "The hospitals are EMPTY. The shutdown is no longer about the #ChineseVirus. #ReopenAmerica. It's about #Trump2020. #DemocratsTheEnemyWithin" along with an image of someone else's tweet…
User tweeted: "This is the final boss at the end of the Democratic primary" with an image of Xeni Jardin, Tech Culture Journalist, with bright pink hair and matching glasses, on the Rachel Maddow…
User tweeted: "It is May 1st and it seems like everyone is going back to work today, the roads in Southern California are very busy once again. #BackToWork @GavinNewsom #TimesUp @CNN…
User tweeted: "It’s never too soon to start packing your personal belongings, @GovWhitmer #OPENAMERICANOW" along with an image of a Chicago Tribune headline that says "Republican-led…
MJ Booth
User reported on Twitter that Facebook gave them a warning for posting the Biden collage. Using Twitter username and followers.
Daniel Toth
User reported on Twitter that Facebook found his post of the Biden collage to violate community standards and removed it. He did not say whether he was also suspended or not. Using his Twitter…
Donnie Grubbs
User reported on Twitter that Facebook suspended his account for 30 days for posting the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Kristy Swanson
User's account was suspended until a video of her lip synching to a copyrighted Maroon 5 song was removed. The video was approximately a year and a half old. Once she deleted the video, her account…