CensorTrack Database

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87 87
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19 19
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7 7
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Displaying 6741 - 6760 of 7110
Kimberly Kayh
User re-tweeted a tweet that was labeled as sensitive content, with the accompanying message: "EXACTLY! They don't care because she doesn't vote for them! #IStandWithShelley #OPENAMERICANOW." The…
John Hunter
User tweeted a video from Fox News showing an empty ICE detention center after a California judge ordered ICE to release detainees, along with an interview with a former ICE director about the…
Denise Terpack
User tweeted about the Plandemic video being censored on Youtube. Her tweet contained 2 images, one of the Youtube message saying the video had been removed for violating the community guidelines,…
User tweeted "Supporting local business. #Chesters #OPENAMERICANOW" with a photo of a combo meal from Chesters. That photo was labeled with a sensitive content filter.
Martin Glover
User tweeted about how we need to reopen America, with the #ReOpenAmerica and #Libtards hashtags. The accompanying meme image was labeled with a sensitive content filter. It showed the two sides in…
User tweeted "Live Free #OPENAMERICANOW" along with a photo of someone holding a sign that says "Don't let the mask become a muzzle." This image was censored as sensitive content.
User tweeted "I notice that most of the shit rolling downhill with #ReOpenAmerica comes from #Democrat run #States...psst...like the #SocialistStateofIllinois @JBPritzker #GovDoubleWide can’t…
User reported on Twitter that a Facebook post of a video was fact-checked and found to be Partly False Information. The video, produced by YAL, says that Biden wants to take your guns. It contains a…
Kevin Davis
User tweeted an image of a large outdoor digital sign saying "Current survival rate figures for the US = 98.54%. How 'bout we promote that, instead of fear." The tweet asked people to Focus on the…
User tweeted an image of the Democrat leaders of Congress with the following text under it: "Paying taxes to a government where elected officials are representing foreigners instead of American is…
User tweeted: "Speak up for the Homeless and the unborn babies! #prolife #abortionismurder #homeless #livinginthestreets" with a meme that has a picture of a destitute child along with Proverbs 31:8-…
Laura Tortorice
User reported on Twitter that she was cited by Facebook for attempting to post the Biden collage. She did not note that whether she was also suspended or not. Using Twitter username and followers.
C Ramz
User tweeted: "..welcome to Obama-conomics 2020..welfare for all..cradle to grave..’ask not, what you can do for your Country..ask, what will your Country will do for you..’ #…
Christopher Lee
User tweeted: "Freedom Fighters descend on California #ReopenCalifornia #ReopenCA #ReopenAmerica #ReopenAmericaNow #Trump2020" with a video of lockdown protestors in California. This video was…
User tweeted: "#JoeM #SheepNoMore #TheStormIsUponUs #qanon #WWG1WGA #China #BrownShirts #Tyranny Joe M has been very busy folks. How do you destry America?? from within #DeepState" along with two…
Diane Shapiro
User tweeted: "I haven't worn a mask yet, never will or submit to #Tyranny Don't like it? #SocialDistance yourself from me, #sheeple" along with an image of an N95 mask that had words pasted on the…
Kerry Heiss
User received a message that she has violated the Spam policy again, resulting in 3 days of restrictions on her account. It is unclear what led to this, but she noted that it seems to be happening to…