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19 19
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Displaying 6721 - 6740 of 7110
Rob Thompson
User reported on Twitter that he attempted to post the Biden collage on his Facebook page and Facebook found it to violate the community standards. He did not say if he was also suspended. Using his…
Soldier First
User was alerted that his account was locked. Two days later he was able to get it unlocked by verifying his phone number. Twitter did not tell him what this was about, but this is most likely due to…
Louie Lozano
User reported on Twitter that Facebook flagged his post of the Biden collage as a violation of the community standards and removed it. He did not say if he was also suspended. Using Twitter username…
John Jones
User tweeted "Pro Life is the Right Choice," along with a meme showing Mother Theresa with a quote "A nation that kills its children in the womb has lost its soul." This image was censored with a…
David Kennedy
Another user (@BaderDom) reported on Twitter that this user, David Kennedy, tried to post the Biden collage on Facebook, and it was found to be against community standards. It was not apparent…
User tweeted "Mother's Day is this coming Sunday, and it's one of the hardest times of the year for women who have had an abortion. But there is help available: hopeafterabortion.com" along with an…
Laura Stanton
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed her post of the Biden collage. Using her Twitter username and followers.
Adam Salinas
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed his post of the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Paul Critchlow
User reported on Twitter that Facebook had objected to the Biden collage when they posted it. Using Twitter username and followers, and the date that it was reported on Twitter.
Mr Kauffman
User reported on Twitter that Facebook gave him a warning when he tried to post the Biden collage, immediately saying that "This post may go against our Community Standards" and giving options to…
Keris White
User reported on Twitter that Facebook rejected her post of the Biden collage. She did not report that she was also suspended. User her Twitter username and followers.
User reported on Twitter that they were suspended by Facebook from using Messenger for 7 days for posting the Biden collage. Using Twitter username and followers.
Delia Schooley-Reed
User reported on Twitter that Facebook found her post of the Biden collage to go against community standards and removed it. She did not report that she was suspended. Using Twitter username and…
D M Solano
User reported on Twitter that Facebook suspended him for posting the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Lustig Franz
User reported on Twitter that when he attempted to post the Biden collage on his Facebook page, it was removed for violating the community standards. User did not say if he was also suspended. Using…
Ed Lamon
User's account was restricted for 3 days. Twitter claims it is due to spam behavior. User claims: "Now I get 'This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other…
Paddy Early
User tweeted "What an absolute clown Trudeau is #ProLife #COVID19 #GatesForPrison2020" along with a meme that was labeled as sensitive content. The meme contained a picture of Justin Trudeau on the…