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19 19
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Displaying 6681 - 6700 of 7110
Clark Dell
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed his post of a collage of pics of Biden touching or kissing young girls, saying it violated their community standards on nudity or sexual activity.…
Karen Sue Hendricks
User reported on Twitter that Facebook suspended her account after she posted the Biden collage. Using her Twitter username and followers.
Butch Robinson
Another user (@FrSymeonElias) reported on Twitter that this user, Butch Robinson, had his post of the Biden collage on Facebook censored. Facebook removed the post, but it was not clear if the user…
Melissa Mullins Plow
User reported on Twitter that Facebook removed her post of the Biden collage. She did not say if her account was also suspended. Using her Twitter username and followers.
Cali Blonde Lady
User tweeted "DIFFERENCES: “I did it to feed my family.” - Illegal Alien “I did it to feed my family.” - American Small Business Owner Why is one considered “noble” and the other is a crime? #…
Evelina Sanchez
User tweeted: "Right. #freedom #USA #covid19 #opentexas #dallastx #dallastexas #tyranny" along with a meme that shows an image of a stethoscope with the phrase "'Quarantine' is when you restrict the…
Knut M. Wittkowski
Christopher Lee
User tweeted "If you’re active duty or veteran, make sure you check out Beena’s in Chicks Beach. They do a meticulous job on your hair. They support the military too. #OpenForBusiness #ReopenVirginia…
Lisa Schwartz
Another user (@MariaCh84318140) reported on Twitter that this user, Lisa Schwartz, received an account warning and had her post of the Biden collage removed from Facebook. As Lisa did not report this…
America First Clips
President Donald Trump retweeted a video on Saturday that was quickly deleted. The video was a short clip from a speech that conservative Michelle Malkin gave decrying social media censorship…
Duchy Marie
User tweeted "Facebook is asking for "surveys." All in the name of public safety. #ContactTracing has begun. I DO NOT consent. #freedom @VincentCrypt46 @BardsOfWar #coronavirus #coronafraud #…
User tweeted "You can’t lie when you see the facts. There’s definitely an agenda and we are the ones to suffer for it #ReOpenAmerica #EssentialWorkers" along with an infographic showing a map of the…
Show the Truth
User tweeted: "The March for Life was cancelled yesterday due to #coronavirus. But that didn't stop us from bringing our signs to Ottawa and protesting abortion while #socialdistancing. #ProLife #…
Sweet Apple Pirate
User reported on Twitter that Facebook's "auto-sensor" rejected the Biden collage when he tried to post it. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Terri Green
User tweeted about how may babies have been aborted vs how many have died of Coronavirus, saying "The government has closed the church, wrecked people's jobs and businesses, and acted as if the world…
Save Los Angeles
User tweeted: "Breaking: Los Angeles bans breathing fresh air! #SaveLA #Facism #LA #GarcettiSucks #Covid19 #itsnotaboutavirus #tyranny" along with a meme that says "All Angelenos are required to wear…
Dane Om
User tweeted "This is the only way out!!! #SAlockdown #Fascism #CoronaVirusSA #COVID19 #Plandemic2020 #fakevirus #DA #cyrilramaphosa #tyranny #draconian" along with a photo of someone holding a…
Lori Silva Joseph
User reported on Twitter that her Facebook account was suspended for 30 days for posting the Biden collage. Using her Twitter username and followers.
Kimberly Kayh
User tweeted: "TYRANNY is DEMONCRAT states right now! #OPENAMERICANOW RT RT" along with a meme that says "Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the…
Garrett Soldano
Facebook removes anti-lockdown page "Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantines" after admin posts video supporting Michigan barber cutting hair in defiance of the state's stringent lockdown…