CensorTrack Database

7,111 Documented Cases
207 207
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
35 35
Cases Against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
29 29
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
19 19
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
Cases Against The Heritage Foundation
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Displaying 5701 - 5720 of 7111
Adan Salazar
Twitter censors InfoWars editor for tweeting election video that Eric Trump had also tweeted: Adan Salaza, Associate editor for InfoWars, found his Twitter account suspended for about eleven hours…
Quick Donald
Twitter censors user for tweeting photo of Hunter Biden from NY Post article: Twitter locked a user's account for tweeting a photo of Hunter Biden taken from the NY Post expose. The user was…
Cornelius Maximus
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Wayne Nation
Twitter censors meme calling out CNN: A Twitter user expressed his feelings about the network coverage of the election. His tweet read: "Hey Jack & TWITTER: according to your “standards” the…
Yair Rosenberg
YouTube Age Restricts video of user singing Yom Kippur prayer: Senior writer at Tablet Magazine, Yair Rosenberg, reported on Twitter that YouTube found a problem with one of his videos. He had posted…
The National Pulse
Twitter suspends The National Pulse account for reporting on election irregularities: Twitter suspended The National Pulse after its account posted several stories about election irregularities…
Trump Campaign
Four videos of a President Trump press conference tweeted by the Trump campaign receive civic integrity notices: The Trump campaign tweeted out four separate videos of a press conference with…
Donald J. Trump
Every Facebook post from President Trump since 2:02 AM on Election Day (Nov. 3) until approximately 11:15 AM on Nov. 5 has been flagged with one of Facebook's many 'informational label[s…
David J. Harris
Tweet from Black Voices for Trump Coalition member David Harris Jr. containing video of ballot counters allegedly filling out ballots gets civic integrity notice: A video tweeted by…
Regina Atkinson
Twitter suspends user for correcting someone over a gendered word, claims "hateful conduct": A Twitter user reported that she had been suspended after a comment she made in response to another user.…
Joy Villa
Outspoken Republican Actress has post about election security fact-checked: Joy Villa, one of Trump's few celebrity supporters, posted a screenshot of one of her tweets about the election…
Stop the Steal
Facebook shut down group organizing Stop the Steal rallies to fight voter fraud: After the election, a Facebook group was formed called Stop the Steal. The group said: "We need boots not he ground to…
Marjorie Taylor Greene
20 tweets from Congresswoman-elect given civic integrity notices since Election Day: At least 20 tweets from Florida Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene since Election Day have been…
Jason Miller
Tweet from Senior Advisor to President Trump Jason Miller garners civic integrity notice: A tweet from Jason Miller was hit with a civic integrity notice after said Big Tech's attempts at…
Newt Gingrich
Two tweets from former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich gets civic integrity notice: A tweet from Newt Gingrich garnered a civic integrity notice for discussing the increasing probability that…
Donald J. Trump
Three short videos tweeted by Trump discussing the integrity of the election get hit with civic integrity notices: Three videos shared by President Trump on Twitter, of him engaging in a…
Donald J. Trump
A tweet from President Trump alleging there were a large number of secretly dumped ballots in Michigan gets hit with civic integrity notice: A tweet from President Trump alleging there was a…
Donald J. Trump
Tweet from President Trump declaring victory in PA, GA and NC garners premature declaration warning label: A tweet from President Trump declaring victory in Pennsylvania, Georgia and North…
Donald J. Trump
Another tweet from President Trump criticizing potential election fraud hit with civic integrity notice: On the day after the election, once again, a tweet from President Trump criticizing…
Candace Owens
Tweet from conservative author, speaker and founder of BLEXIT, Candace Owens, hit with civic integrity notice: A tweet from conservative activist Candace Owens discussing the irregularity of…