Steven Crowder

A video uploaded to Steven Crowder's secondary channel 'Crowder Bits' discussing the suppression of his main channel was deleted by YouTube: After his main YouTube channel was suspended from uploading any new content or live streaming for a week, Steven Crowder uploaded a video discussing the situation to his secondary channel, Crowder Bits. The video was eventually deleted, as seen in screenshots posted by Crowder to his Facebook page. Numerous Twitter users reported that the video abruptly stopped working while they were attempting to watch it. "YouTube REMOVED yesterday's CrowderBits video," Crowder wrote in an Instagram post alerting his audience to the deleted video. "We cannot stream there today as we promised yesterday. So screw 'em. Today's show is unlike any other. It's time to send a MESSAGE to Big Tech. They cannot keep us down. They cannot silence us. We will NOT comply." The deleted video comes at the same time Crowder Bits and his main YouTube channel have been demonetized.    

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