CensorTrack Database
Documented Cases
Displaying 2421 - 2440 of 4422
Twitter locks Todd Starnes Twitter account after encouragement from Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA): Conservative radio host Todd Starnes tweeted "[r]emember when Biden failed to vet any of the…
Twitter locks lawyer Marina Medvin's account: January 6 defense lawyer Marina Medvin was locked out of her Twitter account for unknown reasons. According to purported screenshots shared by Jack…
Facebook censors image of 7-year-old who died: A Twitter user shared screenshots of their Facebook censorship notice. They had posted an image of 7-year-old Allison Coleman with text above saying "…
Facebook censors image of a little girl who died: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her Facebook censorship notice. She had posted a photo of 7-year-old Allison Coleman that had the date of…
Twitter censors user for saying there was no pandemic: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They had QT a Donald J Trump, Jr. tweet that read: "75% of 'Covid deaths'…
Twitter censors user for saying that alternative treatments work against COVID-19: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted "The cure for the common cold is…
Twitter censors user for denying that trans-identified males are women: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of a censorship notice. The censored user had tweeted: "Have you been on the sherry…
Twitter censors user for saying transgenderism is a lie: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of a censorship notice. The censored user tweeted: "I know, it's so annoying. 'trans' is a lie. They…
Twitter censors account for a cat because it reported that the cat was a "Maine Coon mix of some kind": In another in a long string of incidents resulting from Twitter's faulty AI algorithm, a user…
Twitter censors user for commenting on the cost of Ivermectin vs vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user tweeted: "Everybody has their own agendas.…
Twitter censors user for reporting a factual health issue: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They had tweeted: "Stroke right after a booster shot." Twitter deemed…
Twitter bans Project Veritas' Chief of Staff Eric Spracklen, citing "ban evasion" in an attempt to evade labels of censorship: In February 2021, Twitter permanently banned Project Veritas,…
Twitter restricted Kingsley Cortes for alleged "misleading" information on COVID-19: Kingsley Cortes lost access to her Twitter account for 12 hours for "[v]iolating the policy on spreading…
Twitter censors user for quoting a Washington State legislative bill: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "#conspiracy #Quarantine 'camps' coming to a the US. Proposal from Washington state 'a…
Facebook censors user for an opinion that COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her Facebook censorship notice. She had posted a tweet from @DrThompson22 that read:…
Twitter censors user for pointing out that a biological male won best actress award: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of a censorship notice. The censored user had tweeted "Golden Globes…
NEW: Matt Walsh Suspended From Twitter
Autumn Johnson
On Friday, The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh was suspended from Twitter for daring to tweet about transgenderism in light of their dominance over…
Twitter placed sharing restriction on Daniel Horowitz tweet about hospitalized vaccinated COVID-19 patient: Twitter placed a sharing restriction on one of Blaze Media podcaster Daniel Horowitz's…
Twitter locked Daniel Horowitz's account, reportedly after he tweeted about a hospitalized vaccinated COVID-19 patient: Blaze Media columnist and podcaster Daniel Horowitz said on his podcast "…