CensorTrack Database
Documented Cases
Displaying 2401 - 2420 of 4422
Twitter user censored for joking about a popcorn ban: In another case of a bad Twitter algorithm, a user's account was locked and he was asked to delete a tweet in which he made a joke about a…
Twitter censors user for tweet about Starbucks dropping vaccine mandate for employees: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user had tweeted, in regards to Starbucks…
Twitter censors user for joke about COVID-19 vaccines and 5G: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "Soon the vaccinated will have their 5g Killswitch…
Twitter censors user for stating that Ivermectin has been proven to work against COVID-19: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She had tweeted: "Ivermectin kills much…
Twitter censored congressional candidate Joe Kent tweet commenting on the Second Amendment: Washington state congressional candidate Joe Kent tweeted about the need for the second amendment in a…
Twitter censors user for a tweet about 5G: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They had tweeted: "They are probably about to flip the 5G on. They didn't get 4B of you…
Twitter censors user for relaying a personal story: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user had tweeted: "It isn't batshit crazy. I was diagnosed with Meniere's…
Twitter suspends user for re-posting image of a female-to-male top surgery short-term result: A GETTR user shared screenshots of his censorship notice, and also wrote a blog about the incident. The…
Facebook censors user for a chart tracking the accuracy of statements about COVID-19 that were previously seen as "conspiracy theories": A Twitter user stated that his Facebook account had been…
YouTube censors Rio Grande Foundation for an interview with a former pediatric cardiologist about COVID-19: Paul Gessing, President of New Mexico's free market think tank Rio Grande Foundation,…
Twitter user censored for proper and acceptable use of word "retard": In another case of a bad Twitter algorithm, a user's account was locked and he was asked to delete a tweet in which he properly…
YouTube censors users video about story that turned out to be untrue: A Twitter user shared his YouTube censorship notice. After a story broke that Justice Sonia Sotomayor had requested other Supreme…
Instagram censors user for a meme questioning COVID-19 vaccines' efficacy: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her Instagram censorship notice. The user had posted a meme that said "All I'ms…
Facebook censors user for her rant about being labeled "unvaccinated" and facts about the untenability of long-term monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine trials: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her…
Facebook censors user for advocating early treatment for COVID-19: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her Facebook censorship notice. Her offending post, in part, read "early treatment…
Twitter censors user for speaking out about myocarditis: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of someone else's censorship notice. The user had tweeted, in part: "We have a myocarditis epidemic…
Facebook censors user for a Jeffrey Dahmer joke meme: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. He had posted into a private group called The FB Funhouse a meme showing…
Twitter censors user for expressing her opinion based on personal knowledge about Ivermectin: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She tweeted: "I know of at least 10…
Facebook censors user for posting audio of Dr. Malone: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. He tweeted "Can't talk about the j a b on Facebook if it contradicts the…
Facebook censors user for post about face mask safety: A Twitter user shared screenshots of his Facebook censorship notice. He posted a meme titled "Face Mask Safety: Know the facts BEFORE you…