
Jon Levine
YouTuber Carlos Maza, whom The New York Times has described as a “New York-based socialist,” has told his viewers to “STOP taking political advice from the ultra-wealthy.” He now has…
Jim Rice
User posted the following on Facebook before the Missouri primary election: "I posted a joke saying don't forget if you are voting for Bernie or Joe Biden you don't vote till the following day." His…
Brittany Pettibone
Politically Incorrect Vault
Facebook censors user for meme calling nonbinary genders mental disorders: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their Facebook censorship notice. They had shared a meme that indicated only male and…
Meghan Murphy
A prominent feminist Twitter account was silenced for speaking out against transgenderism: A popular Twitter account for Meghan Murphy with nearly 25,000 followers was suspended in 2018 for…
Liberty Memes
Facebook removes memes making fun of political candidates and suspends the users posting them. The administrators of Liberty Memes told Breitbart News that their accounts had been suspended for…