
Jessica Fletcher
User posted the Biden meme and was suspended. She deleted the meme as requested but was still locked out of her account for some time before getting it restored.
User posted the Biden meme and got suspended
Only Anarchists
User was suspended after posting the Biden meme on April 23. Was told it would be a 12 hour suspension, but was unable to regain access to his account until June 26
Rhiannon Bevan
User posted the Biden meme and got suspended. Reported the suspension under her other account, @Rhi_Bevan
Bryan Fry
User tweeted the Biden meme on April 23 and account was suspended. User has yet, as of June 30, to be able to regain access to this account.
User tweeted the Biden meme and got suspended.
User tweeted the Biden meme on April 23 and was locked out of his account. He has yet to be able to regain access to his account.
User posted the Biden meme and was suspended for 12 hours.
Bart Flynn
User tweeted the Biden meme and got his account suspended. As of today, July 17, he does not appear to have regained access to his account, or else he has abandoned it after the long time he has been…
Jaime Flores
User got a temporary suspension for posting the Joe Biden meme. His account has since been restored.
Fred Watson
User posted the Biden meme and got suspended, then got locked into a loop after deleting the tweet. Seems to have not regained access to his account as he has not tweeted anything since April 23.
Tobie Thibodeaux
User reported from their @tobiethibodeau1 account that their @tobieyoung account posted the Biden meme and got suspended.
User posted the Biden meme on or around April 22 and his account was suspended. He did not regain access to his account until June 5.
Tyler Willey
User reported on Twitter that his Facebook account was suspended for 3 days for posting the Biden collage. Using his Twitter username and followers.
Michael Oren
User's account had been suspended as early as April 21, but it is unclear exactly when, and may have even been earlier, as the last tweet came in February. Once the suspension was noted, some people…
Shawn Brecht
User reported on Twitter on May 30 that he had spent 44 of the past 45 days suspended from Facebook "because Joe Biden is a pedophile." He accompanied this report with a meme that included part of…
Coder For Liberty
User tweeted the Joe Biden meme and his account was locked. As of now, while the account looks fine to the public, he cannot access the account because he is still being told he must delete the tweet…
Becky Buck
User received a message that her account had been suspended, and filed an appeal. Twitter quickly responded to let her know that the reason had to do with a rules violation, seen in screen shot…